
Building an Assistive Robotic Arm

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We are building an assistive robotic arm for my daughter who recently became paralyzed in her left arm.


Olaf Baeyens wrote 11/05/2016 at 21:21 point

I really am impressed with your work. 

But she will grown, how do you take that into account?

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Bodo Hoenen wrote 02/18/2017 at 19:11 point

Apologies for the very late reply. To answer your question: The 3D printed braces are really easy to tweak as she grows, this was a core requirement of ours. In addition we are currently using the smallest actuator, as she grows and would require greater strength we could increase the size of the actuator and simply adjust the mounting pin location in the 3D file and print it out again. 

Also we now have documented all the instructions for this project, you can find them here:

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