After some long and busy years:
1. Boards set:
- mainboard PCIe backplane with custom wirings;
- logic analyzer interface 1 (green board);
- CPU + ram buffer + sdcard + serial i/o board (right side of the mainboard);
- Host/drive i/o interface for mainframe/tape drive;
- CPU i/o/isolation buffer - right side.

2. Main board

3. CPU + ram buffer + serial i/o + sdcard i/o (top)
Tape Drive / mainframe interface (bottom). In the square there are some magic incantations written in the language of Dracula (Romanian), it says like this: "jumpers explained: function is automatically associated from the corresponding PCIe port. Manual settings are reserved for diagnosis only. To be drawn: -> table with manually-configuration jumpers; -> all jumpers to be re-named (actually "re-baptized" with a new name)

4. Logic Analyzer interface (top, green)
Isolation buffer (bottom).

Back into the surgery room.
Keep in touch.
[end of transmission]
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Good to see you haven't given up. 👍 All the best for this attempt and let us know so we can celebrate! 🤞
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