1Step 1
Come up with design plans with team.
2Step 2
Start researching about the most effective actuation design.
3Step 3
Create mock sketches highlighting mechanics of motion of the hand.
4Step 4
Research ergonomics of the hand.
5Step 5
Fuse your research and concept sketches into a 3D SolidWorks Model.
6Step 6
3D print your hand assembly (warning: this part takes lots of patience).
7Step 7
Put in all of the velcro and elastic band materials to keep it on the hand.
8Step 8
Put in all of the nuts and bolts into the moving joints of the exoskeleton.
9Step 9
Create an H-Bridge and connect it with a Linear Actuator and an Arduino.
10Step 10
Use input signal method of your choice to input to Arduino (Myo, Electrodes, FSR).
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