complete biotINK bioprinting kit for Ultimaker 2+.rar
All 3D models and manufacturing drawings neatly packed!
RAR Archive -
4.83 MB -
10/03/2016 at 19:00
1 baseplate.stl
3D object for printing of the baseplate part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
621.37 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:21
3 connector.stl
3D object for printing of the connector part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
75.08 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:21
4 trapezoidal threaded spindle.pdf
build instructions for trapezoidal threaded spindle
Adobe Portable Document Format -
14.70 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:22
5 syringe carrier.stl
3D object for printing of the syrringe carrier part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
96.18 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:21
9 rod.pdf
build instructions for rod
Adobe Portable Document Format -
12.41 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:22
11 cover.stl
3D object for printing of the cover part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
600.77 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:21
13 retainer.stl
3D object for printing of the retainer part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
4.57 kB -
10/01/2016 at 18:21
17 print head.stl
3D object for printing of the print head part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
125.18 kB -
10/03/2016 at 18:43
22 dish retainer part 1.stl
3D object for printing of the dish retainer 1 part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
120.20 kB -
10/03/2016 at 18:43
23 dish retainer part 2.stl
3D object for printing of the dish retainer 2 part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
120.59 kB -
10/03/2016 at 18:43
24 dish retainer part 3.stl
3D object for printing of the dish retainer 3 part
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
188.95 kB -
10/03/2016 at 18:43