Main Video
Pallette is a smart mouthguard that wirelessly controls a computer or a mobile device by tracking tongue movement.
It provides greater independence for the mobility impaired, and it is private, discreet, and affordable.
It is open sourced, all the design source files and instructions are available online. Moreover, it uses off-the-shelf components, so any developer/builder/hacker can follow the instructions and build Pallette.
We hope to establish a community around tongue-control technology, so the people in need can actually have access and benefit from it. Winning this competition will help us publicize this project, and hopefully achieve a minimum critical mass for this community!
Using Pallette
Temporary website
PDF of complete instructions
Github repo of hardware design files
Github repo of debugging firmware
Github repo of mouse controller firmware
Github repo of Android debugging app
Github repo of Pallette website
I am really impressed! I like much the idea to solve the problem and look like to myself an accomplishment of same brilliantly(genially). Congratulation.