How about an assistive technical fix for the common problem of ingrown toenails.
Toenail Springs -
-Small spring steel strips of differing strength
-Unobtrusive, flat profile
-Etched hole pattern ensures good adhesion
-Flexible superglue with disappearing dye for easy application
-Superglue accelerator pads pre-attached to the spring clips
-Removable with acetone nail polish remover
The idea is to relieve tension on the nail and gently reshape to a flatter profile.
The idea here is to pre-treat some small fabric/microfiber pads with something that will trigger the glue to cure instantly. I tried some Zip-Kicker, but the results were underwhelming - perhaps the active ingredient evaporated? There are other - even reasonably non-toxic substances that will rapidly cure cyanoacrylates. Baking soda seems to be the best option. Next time I will try to work some baking soda into the pads.
Starting with a sheet of etched screen mesh from E-Fab I cut some small strips of different widths that included the border. I then trimmed these and glued them together with the border overlapping. The mesh acting as small attachment points on either end.