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Arduino Mega 2560 R3
1 |
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LCD Keypad Shield 16x2 LCD based on the Hitachi HD44780 chipset
3 |
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220Ω resistor ¼W
1 |
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HM-10 (or compatible like HC-08) Bluetooth UART Communication Module
1 |
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Any IR Receiver module (like KY-022 or equivalent) supported by IRremote library
1 |
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6N137 Single-Channel High Speed Optocoupler
1 |
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1N4007 general-purpose rectifier
2 |
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MIDI female, 5-pin, right-angle DIN 5/180° connector
1 |
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MODEL A: Any ESP8266 board supported by Arduino core for ESP8266 WiFi chip
Tested on ESP-01S 1M Wi-Fi module
1 |
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MODEL A: YL-46 AMS1117 3.3V Power Supply Module
1 |
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MODEL B: Any ESP32 board supported by Arduino core for ESP32 WiFi chip
Tested on DOIT ESP32 DevKit V1 4M dual-mode Wi-Fi and Bluetooth module
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Push button
4 |
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10KΩ resistor ¼W