
Escape Game : Crash plane in the 8th continent !

It's an escape game about the pollution of the water

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The project is an escape game for the childs about the pollution of the water in the world.

It shows to the kids how people pollut the water by intuitives games and so how can they avoid it.

The escape game should take 15 minutes and it's easy to reproduce at home with a personal touch.

So our project is composed by a storie and 3 little games.

We create our scenario but everybody can do another one if they want.

The little games show to the childs some types of pollution and so the environmental issues of the pollution of the water for the planet.


You were all sleeping calmly in your private jet, going from Japan to the USA.
When the commander came and screamed out : " ONE OF OUR REACTOR IS DEAD !! DROP ANYTHING YOU CAN OR WE ARE GOING TO CRASH !! "

But at this moment the reactor number 1 exploded and you were trapped at the middle of the plane, you weren't able to reach the toilets anymore but you had to put some things in this to make the plane lighter. But because you are well educated people you didn't want to drop things that can pollute the ocean :


Sadly, it was too late, the plane crashed anyway...

Your plane just crashed in the ocean, but ,not in  random continent, you just crashed in the most dangerous and the most disgusting continent :
The continent of plastic.

The water was coming into the plane with all the wastes of plastic, so you wanted to get out of that creepy situation, but the keys were into the water and you had to find them to go on the cokpit because the door closed automaticaly : 


You finally found the key and start  the radio to call for help, but when you were speaking to the rescuers, they wanted to verify that you are not a robot so they asked you for a puzzle :


You find the answer you are safe you can live in the helicoptere, it was a terrible aventure yoy are scare but you are alive.

Introduction and Game 1.wav

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 8.22 MB - 06/09/2018 at 14:50


Game One finished.wav

Once the first game is finished you launch this sound to continue the game. They will arrive on the second game.

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 7.25 MB - 05/28/2018 at 14:15


Game 2.wav

Play this at the end of the "Game One finished" to start the second game.

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 19.53 MB - 05/28/2018 at 14:48


Game 3.wav

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 18.22 MB - 06/09/2018 at 14:55


Game 3 finished.wav

Waveform Audio File Format (WAV) - 4.87 MB - 06/09/2018 at 14:20


  • 1 × Letter Lock
  • 1 × Figures lock
  • 3 × Little boxes Around 9 x 6.5 x 5.6 (in cm)
  • 15 × Bottles of plastic used
  • 1 × Key lock

View all 9 components

  • What we learn with this experience ?

    Antoine LLEDO06/09/2018 at 14:27 0 comments

    It was a really good experience, we take a lot of pleasure create our escape game. Like you can read before we make a lot of mistake at the beginning, but it's normal.

    During this project we learned a lot of things like working in group on a project it's very important because in our job of engineer we work all the time in group.

  • Recording the sounds

    Killian06/09/2018 at 14:26 0 comments

    Usually in an escape game, you have sound environment to create an ambience. So we decided to create our own sounds and recordings to make sure that people who are playing the escape game are really immerged in the game.

    In first, we searched all the samples we needed, like the plane crash or ocean sound. When we had all the samples, we imagined then how we could create the sounds.

    For example, when the plane crash, we thought about people screaming for their life. So we screamed like those people. Then we put together the recordings and the samples, we mix it up in order to have a clean rendering.

    During the recordings, we thought that the sounds shoulb be funny because the escape game is for kids, so instead of doing something very realistic, we exaggerate the sounds effects to make them more hilarious.

  • Our mistakes

    Cadiou Theo06/09/2018 at 14:23 0 comments

    We firstly tried to make some games that wasn't really dealing with the water pollution problem. So we had to make some others to stay in the good SDG. We also realized we were going to need more components for our escape game that we didn't order, so we took some others from our home.

  • The different games

    benboissei06/09/2018 at 14:17 0 comments

    Game 1 :

    The first game is a basketball where you must throw some trash in the WC or in a bin.
    When people throw the garbage in the good place, a game master give them a part of a code to open a lock.
    Like this people know what they can throw in the toilet or in the bin.

    Game 2 :

    The second game is composed of a big box with water and some waste like plastic bottles.
    You try to find a key in these waste to open a second lock.
    This game show to people how is a polluted water.

    Game 3 :

    It's a card game where you put some cards with waste picture in the right order. The good order is the time of decomposition of the garbage.
    Behind the cards when they are in the good order you can find a code to open the last lock.
    With this game people learn how long the waste stay in the water.

  • Why an escape game ?

    Antoine LLEDO06/09/2018 at 14:10 0 comments

    1 - It is a very cerebral game, that requires logical, reasoning skills, but at the same time physically puts you in a real scenario and that influences you throughout the game. 

    2 - It is a game that accepts people of all ages: for example our escape game is for people which have about 6 years 

    3 - It is a dynamic game with pre-established duration. Except some rooms that have different conditions...  So get ready with your team and plan the strategies because that will be important to win.

    4 - It is a game that can have several utilities. On the one hand, it may just be a game to amuse a group of friends on any lovely day. On the other hand, it can be a game that you learn something at the end, that's what we want to do with our escape room.

  • Beginning of the journey

    Killian05/14/2018 at 14:14 0 comments

    We started in first to search on what we wanted to work on. 

    So we took a look at the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals, on the United Nations website). We decided to work on the "Quality Education" and "Clean water and sanitation" SDG because we learnt about the "8th continent", which is à continent composed by plastic trash. 

    This way, we wanted that people should be more aware of the consequences when they throw something in the ocean. But as we know, it is hard to change the habits of adult, so we decided to create something for kids, to make sure they don't do the same mistakes as us.

View all 6 project logs

  • 1
    Box Preparation

    You take the box, you put the water and the different waste. You put them together, so you have a box with a lot of waste which represent the continent of plastic  

  • 2

    Put the toilets on a wall and a trash can near of it, then put a line far from 3 meters from them.

  • 3
    Card Games

    You have to create card with the materials you want. And you just have to put the cards in disorder on a table.

View all 3 instructions

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Jules Renaudat wrote 07/20/2023 at 10:11 point

This project is dope shit

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Antoine LLEDO wrote 07/20/2023 at 10:17 point

I'm extremely sorry that you didn't like the project. Perhaps we should schedule a Teams meeting to discuss it. 

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louis.salfati wrote 07/20/2023 at 12:25 point

You will discuss about it with joe mama

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Jules Renaudat wrote 07/20/2023 at 12:26 point

No I am sorry sir, i was saying that this project is sick : it's dope 

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Antoine LLEDO wrote 07/20/2023 at 12:35 point

It's impossible to like this project, which explains my previous answer. Thank you for lying to please me.

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Cadiou Theo wrote 08/20/2018 at 13:01 point

This escape game is the best escape game I've ever done in my life. Honest

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louis.salfati wrote 07/20/2023 at 12:32 point

Why are you lying THEO ? 

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Killian wrote 06/14/2018 at 13:10 point

You will find out in the following link a video where people are playing our escape game 


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louis.salfati wrote 07/20/2023 at 12:34 point


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