
Nightlight for children

Picture on the wall with wooden frame to show rough day times.

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The idea was to give my child (3 years old) his own clock in his room to see, if it is day or night ('no, it isn't time to stand up! Look, the moon still shines').

The sun shines by day (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and by night shines the moon and the stars sparkle.


  • wallmounted picture
  • something with stars, moon and the sun
  • for children
  • LEDs with variable brightness (depending on ambient light)
  • RTC, Arcuino Nano (Clone)


The schematic (version 4)

Adobe Portable Document Format - 51.21 kB - 05/30/2018 at 07:37



The sketch of the electronic circuit

JPEG Image - 2.27 MB - 05/24/2018 at 19:01


  • 1 × Arduino Nano (or Clone)
  • 1 × RTC DS3231
  • 1 × USB wall plug 5V
  • 2 × Buttons
  • 5 × Resistors (see schematic)

View all 9 components

  • 1
    Get or create a nice image for your project

    First, you should create, buy or get a picture which you want to illuminate. I bought some vector-images from Fotolia and arranged them to get my template.

    I chose six of the bigger stars to be illuminated and created a drilling template for the wooden frame.

  • 2
    Create the wooden frame

    Buy some wood plates and drill the holes. Then add the frame. 

  • 3
    Create mounting plates for the two LED-rings (sun/moon)

View all 6 instructions

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