

25msps 8bit analog scope made from 5$ fx2 and 5$ ad9283 capable of 200msps with 30$ fx3 and 3$ ad9288 and my free github ahk pc scope

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this thing i made uses an fx2 (which is known as the 5$ cheep 8bit 24msps usb2.0 logic probe)
THE FX2 USES A COMMAND LINE EXECUTABLE PROGRAM CALLERD sigrook that acts like a usb driver to send data from the probe to a file on the pc which is displayed by my jsj_scope8v8.1.exe at download at program that displays it and comunicates with the probe and allows you to display an abnalog oscilloscope that has a 3 trigger modes . freerun , + and - , it was compilled from an autohotkey script.

it is fully functional at 24msps with fx2, it should work at 100msps with fx3 but i have not tried it yet. so tell me what happens yet i will need to make a version of the scope tjhat

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Richard K Collins wrote 10/04/2019 at 09:12 point


Please explain a bit more about the hardware side of this.  How are you getting the analog signal ? You have lot of interesting photos, but not enough information for most people to try this themselves.  Do you have any still working?

After some red herrings (Cypress FX3 superspeed USB board), I found links to your devices. has several alternatives listed and mentions logic probes, but I do not know how that gets turned into an oscilloscope.

Here is the Cypress FX3 link just in case The basis of any ADC is getting the data onto the users computer. So high speed USB makes sense. 

I guess a logic probe is just a single bit comparator at high rates.  Isn't that the basis of a single bit ADC?  Pardon me it is late and hard to remember so many technologies and ideas.

I cannot find your specific devices, but I got interesting results from this search"logic+probe"+"8+bit"+"analog"+"fx2"

Richard Collins, The Internet Foundation

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