08/11/2018 at 22:34 • 0 commentsAll the badges made it to Vegas. Yay! Got to spend some time with Mrrobotbadge. Spent quality time teaching basic soldering. The utter joy expressed by a N00b who soldered up a few LEDS and got them to light up is tiring but so much fun.
On a side note, I hear that Bryan might have to get a tattoo.
Note to self, do presales on tindie next year.
Gerber available
08/02/2018 at 13:29 • 0 commentsBefore I forgot I added the gerber files - minus the LHC artwork. Edit as needed for your own blinkin projects or learn to solder board.
OMFG so much soldering
08/02/2018 at 13:19 • 0 commentsI spent the month of July soldering, So much solder, nights weekends I even took two vacation days just to make sure I had them all done in time. I also learned that if you order a replacement part from Digikey or 1000 of them, within 48 hours of getting your Digikey order, you will get the part that was holding you up from China. Also how many CR2032's can yo order before they put you on a watch list? Asking for a friend.
Holy Battery Life, Batman
06/26/2018 at 18:05 • 0 commentsSo I ran a continuous use test, it took 96 hours to kill the two 2032 coin batteries of questionable origin.
06/21/2018 at 18:51 • 0 commentsSo since I really didn't have a lot of time, mid may is not the time to start designing a badge. I followed the Keep It Simple Stupid rule, I found a basic project from an electronics class I took and adapted it to my needs. Start with the venerable 555 timer, set that bad boy up in astable mode to generate a square wave, send wave to a decade counter and hook an LED to each output pin. Simple.
Arrange components in an artful manner and wait for prototypes. Also simple.