This board breaks out the SAMD51 with a minimum number of components to get it working.
I built this board because I wanted a platform to test out the SAMD51 in Atmel Studio. However, Microchip has not yet released an Xplained Board for the SAMD51, and Adafruit only breaks out a select number of pins.
The components that are necessary to get it working are:
This is a great idea for those that want to use all the I/Os on the chip. The footprint is similar if not identical to the samd21 depending on the suffix and the PCB might be interchangeable. Leaving 5 or 15 pins unavailable as a dev platform should be a crime. Its hard enough to find a full 8 pin contiguous port for I/O that isn't interlaced with a vital serial, crystal or other peripheral I/O right in the middle of it. When you limit a chip with this capability on port pins, you aren't doing it any favors. If Microchip would get on the ball and get an Xplained board out for $30, I'd buy it.
First, this is something I've been looking for for a while.
Is the crystal necessary? I ask because the ItsyBitsyM4 doesn't have one. Also does the VDDCore connect to anything?