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Lepton 3.5 Breakout board
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Teensy 3.2
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4.7 kohm resistor
I2C pull-ups
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35.7 kohm resistor
part of voltage divider. Different values can be used. See the project log describing the hardware.
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11.5 kohm resistor
part of voltage divider. Different values can be used. See the project log describing the hardware.
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2 kohm resistor
pull-down for MOSFET. Not critical. A 10 kohm resistor would be fine.
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0.1 uF ceramic cap
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100 uF, 16v electrolytic cap
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3.7 volt LiPo battery around 1000 mAh
I used a battery from an old cell phone that I soldered a mating JST cable onto to connect to the charger.
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misc hookup wire, etc.
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ILI9341-based LCD Shield (LinkSprite LCD Touch)
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Arduino proto shield (Freetronics model)
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Teensy to Arduino breakout (Sparkfun)
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LiPo charger/5V Boost converter
I used the Sparkfun PowerCell but it seems to be retired now. I think the newer device could be adapted: https://www.sparkfun.com/products/14411
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3-way navigation switch
I used the Sparkfun device but it seems retired now. This can be replaced by three separate buttons. https://www.sparkfun.com/products/retired/8236
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SPST Button
Any momentary contact button can be used for the power button
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Logic-level N-channel MOSFET
I used an IRLML2803 because I had it laying around. Important characteristics are low Vgs and relatively low Rdson.
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BAT54 schottky diode
Any low Vf diode will work (the one I used has about 0.3V Vf).