Don't use TX and it's alive
08/22/2018 at 18:14 • 0 commentsSo GPIO1 aka TX is used for some special boot mode so it can't be pulldowned: https://bbs.espressif.com/viewtopic.php?t=796
So I moved direction to gpio16 instead. Now I'm also getting a direction indicator on the NodeMCUs inbuilt LED that is connected to gpio16.
I also had problem with gpio15 not being pulldowned enough when connected to DRV8825. So for now I removed it and shorted sleep and reset together to be controlled by the same pin.
Found out that fault (that I pulled up) is connected to the sleep pin on the DRV8825. So have to remove it and see if it will work after.
Test code:
// Test sketch for drv8825 on NodeMCU v1.0 // pinout definition for generic ESP-12E #define stepPin 3 #define directionPin 16 #define sleepPin 15 #define resetPin 13 #define m2_Pin 12 #define m1_Pin 14 #define m0_Pin 4 #define enablePin 5 #define faultPin 2 #define endswitchPin 0 #define MOTOR_STEPS 200 void setStepSize() { //Going to add more later // Full step digitalWrite(m0_Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(m1_Pin, LOW); digitalWrite(m2_Pin, LOW); } void setup() { // REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN'T USE SERIAL FROM THIS POINT // DRV8825 has inbuilt pulldown resistors for all input pins. No need to set it. pinMode(stepPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(directionPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(sleepPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(resetPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(m2_Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(m1_Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(m0_Pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT); setStepSize(); digitalWrite(resetPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(sleepPin, HIGH); digitalWrite(enablePin, LOW); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: digitalWrite(directionPin, HIGH); for (int i = 0; i < MOTOR_STEPS; i++) { digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW); delay(10); //10 ms digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH); delay(10); //10 ms } digitalWrite(directionPin, LOW); for (int i = 0; i < MOTOR_STEPS; i++) { digitalWrite(stepPin, LOW); delay(10); //10 ms digitalWrite(stepPin, HIGH); delay(10); //10 ms } delay(1000); }
After flashing the code the motor is spinning 360 degrees and back again, wait 1 s and repeat.
PROOF: https://www.facebook.com/beaverelectronics/videos/vb.161215301217651/242073909790273/?type=2&theater
Going to add WiFi control, add better motor control, fix the small issues and test sleep in next step.
How does the pins work
08/17/2018 at 11:33 • 0 commentsThis list is made with only mentioning how it handles digital logic and interrupts
DRV8825: https://www.pololu.com/product/2133
Pin Function Status EN Logic high to disable device output and indexer Input, Internal pulldown M0 Set step mode Input, Internal pulldown M1 Set step mode Input, Internal pulldown M2 Set step mode Input, Internal pulldown RST Logic low to reset indexer and disable output Input, Internal pulldown SLP Logic low to enter low-power sleep Input, Internal pulldown STP Rising edge move stepper one step Input, Internal pulldown DIR Logic level sets direction Input, Internal pulldown FLT Logic low when in fault condition Output, open-drain, pullup to sleep pin Limit switch:
Pin Function Status 1 Endstop, need interrupt pin preferably Output, Normaly Open This means that we need 8 outputs that doesn't have fixed pullups and can handle boot with pulldowns on the pins. And 2 interrupt inputs with at least one that has a pullup.
As seen in the list below this means that D3 and D4 need to be inputs and one of the serial lines as output.
NodeMCU v1.0 Amica ESP-12E:
Pin Function Status Can be used as D0 GPIO16 Not usable with deepsleep, Hi-Z DIO, no interrupt Output D1 GPIO5 Hi-Z DIO Output, Input, Interrupt D2 GPIO4 Hi-Z DIO Output, Input, Interrupt D3 GPIO0 No Hi-Z DIO (prefere pullup) Input, Interrupt D4 GPIO2 Don’t connect to ground at boot time (prefere pullup) Input, Interrupt D5 GPIO14 Hi-Z DIO Output, Input, Interrupt D6 GPIO12 Hi-Z DIO Output, Input, Interrupt D7 GPIO13 Hi-Z DIO Output, Input, Interrupt D8 GPIO15 Can't have pullup (only pulldown DIO) Output RX GPIO3 Not usable during Serial transmission Output, Input, Interrupt (if serial not used) TX GPIO1 Not usable during Serial transmission, Don’t connect to ground at boot time Output, Input, Interrupt (if serial not used) A0 ADC0 Analog Not usable as DIO SD3 GPIO10 Might be connected to flashmemory!!! Not usable SD2 GPIO9 Might be connected to flashmemory!!! Not usable SD1 MOSI Unknown CMD CS Unknown SDO MISO Unknown CLK SCLK Unknown EN Enable DigitalWrite/Read not possible Not usable RST Reset DigitalWrite/Read not possible Not usable