
Upgrade your 3D printer from 8bit to 32bit

The latest marlin had ported to stm32 board,everything works, stable and smooth,have BLTouch,etc.

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32bits is the future of 3D printing.The latest marlin had ported to stm32 board,everything works, stable and smooth,have BLTouch,etc.
1)Use the easiest IDE tool that I developped for Marlin STM32 instead of arduino IDE;
2)source code link
3)Integrated 5 silent stepper drivers TMC2208,control it through uart.
4)Auto controlled Fan on big heat sink,prevent fan from pulling in dust to motherboard directly.
5)with board monitor temperature sensor, software can control the Fan automatically and protect printed model as stepper driver will reboot while over temperature.
6)lower price than any other 32bit motherboard, almost the same as the 8bit board.

32marlin board

  • ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 CPU STM32F103VCT6 72 MHz maximum frequency
  • Auto controlled Fan on big cooling fins shell,prevent fan from pulling in dust to motherboard directly
  • with board monitor temperature sensor, software can control the Fan automatically and avoid stepper reboot while over temperature or stop print while fire on board.
  • silent fans, support fans of 5V/12V/24V,  as we know that 5V fans is silent than 12V/24V.
  • Support 2 extruders.
  • Highly current, support 400w big hotbed.
  •  small mosfets (40V 200A ) for one large heat bed, High performance and no heat generated so no need external cool sink or fan.
  • 2  (40V 100A) small mosfets for 2 hotends. High performance and no heat generated so no need external cool sink or fan.
  • Integrate power off detector with super capacitance.
  • Highly integrated, small size.
  • MicroUSB interface
  • MicroSD card slot
  • Built in 5 UART controlled silent stepper drivers TMC2208 ( peak current 2A, voltage range 4.75V-36V, 256 subdivision).
  • Digital current control ( no need to use a screwdriver to set a potentiometer for current setting )
  • 12 to 24V power input
  • Extension:UART,STLink
  • 3  thermistor input (12 bit ADC) for thermistors
  • 3 endstop inputs
  • auto bed level port,BLTOUCH and inductive probe
  • Open source hardware,community developped

32marlin software

  • Firmware is developped base on the Marlin1.1.9,almost all the code is the same.
  • Supports all features found in Marlin firmwares which is used on over 90% of printers worldwide.
  • High step rate(50Khz now) for higher movement speed or high microstepping.
  • Use the easiest IDE tool that we developped for Marlin STM32 instead of arduino IDE.
  • Open-Source Software ( GPL v3 ), community-developped


Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.12 MB - 05/16/2019 at 04:09


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Shahan wrote 05/11/2019 at 19:50 point

Will love to see WIFI module and web management so that people can control printer remotely and avoid RBPi+ and Octoprint setups.

I have SKR1.3 with TMC2208 running marlin 2.0, want to see comparison between two boards 

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Raukk wrote 05/14/2019 at 17:24 point

Yes please!

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Bill wrote 05/11/2019 at 19:41 point

Aside from the quieter stepper drivers, what would this do in terms of improving the performance of a printer that currently uses an Arduino controller?  If the mechanical part of the printer is already moving as fast as physically practical based on the behavior of the plastic, etc, is there a point beyond, "It's 32-bit!!!"?

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robert wrote 05/12/2019 at 04:53 point

 you are right, but we can do more improvement with 32bit board.for example S-curve acceleration and deceleration later.

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BH wrote 05/11/2019 at 14:37 point

This looks awesome. How do the 2208s do with the extruder and Z? And will it support dual z?

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robert wrote 05/12/2019 at 04:18 point

support dual z, we will upload the schematic diagram that would be clear. 

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drlench wrote 05/10/2019 at 21:49 point

Robert, I have some linear actuators ready for a 3d printer build. can I use this board in a custom build?



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robert wrote 05/11/2019 at 06:07 point

yes, you can use it on you diy printer or replace other diy printer's motherboard.

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Tentoes wrote 05/10/2019 at 21:34 point

I've wondered what to do with my antique replicator with firmware too old to update.

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robert wrote 05/11/2019 at 06:16 point

which motherboard? it works ok?

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Tentoes wrote 05/13/2019 at 18:15 point

It's an old "Superboard." (I think, been a while since I looked.) I've wondered if I can use AVR Studio to flash newer firmware through an isp connector. Yes, it works good but uses an old format file that few slicers support any more.

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mcmasterp wrote 05/10/2019 at 20:54 point

how drop in compatible with a creality ender 3 will it be? I can envision buying at least a dozen from you for this purpose

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robert wrote 05/11/2019 at 06:43 point

Thank you very much!  we will replace it on ender3 and create a video for it.

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haithcoc wrote 05/02/2019 at 18:35 point

Very cool!!

Currently have several hypercube evolution based printers with RAMPS 1.6+ on  8 bit atmega2560.  Am very interested in upgrading to 32 bit with marlin.

Can you provide estimated cost and availability?

Would this be able to be ported to marlin 2.0?

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robert wrote 05/09/2019 at 08:27 point

Thanks for like! this can be ported to marlin2.0,but not available now. 

this board kit will be sell online by the end of this month about $39.

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Raukk wrote 05/13/2019 at 01:39 point

Sorry, I'm a software guy; when you say "this board kit" do you mean everything needed to assemble your own, or only the specialty parts like the pcb.

Related, will you have a fully assembled version, and if so, do you have an ETA on when it will be up for sale?

Thanks, this looks awesome!

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Chris Miller wrote 04/10/2019 at 05:22 point

I love those board mount XT60s but they're kind of hard to get.  Do you have a good source?

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robert wrote 04/10/2019 at 13:28 point

maybe you can get it from there are many suppliers in my city Shenzhen China.

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Chris Miller wrote 04/10/2019 at 14:37 point

Thanks I'll look there.  I got a few from aliexpress last time.  But at that time I think I only found one supplier and it took a relatively long time compared to other things I buy from china.  I think it took 5-6 weeks.

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Simon wrote 04/10/2019 at 15:52 point

You find them easily in an rc toys shop - they are very common in planes and any copters.

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Tobius wrote 04/05/2019 at 00:31 point

Hey! That's really nice form factor too. I was also working on doing something similar on my project but now has evolved to something entirely different. What are you heatsinking in the bottom? 

Also If you'd like to collaborate or need any form of help, feel free to message me and also check out my project. 

All the best!

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robert wrote 04/05/2019 at 14:04 point

Thank you for the like! and I am very interesting to your 3+Pi project!

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robert wrote 04/05/2019 at 14:10 point

the 5 tmc2208 run very hot! so the heatsink and fan are needed.The board is designed again for the high hot.

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Andreas Setterlind wrote 06/26/2019 at 12:28 point

@robert  Are you using a 2oz copper thickness for the all the layers on the board? I read on Reddit that Griffin_459 (Paquette Engineering) who designed the newly announced TH3D EZBoard Lite (formerly "TH3D Tough Controller") used 2oz copper thickness on all 4 layers of their board instead of only 1oz copper thickness to specifically deal with the heat dissipation of TMC2208 and TMC2209 stepper drivers, that way they do not even need to use heatsinks at all as the whole board act as a heatsink. See his comments

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pinchies wrote 11/23/2018 at 16:34 point

Amazing work! May I ask which motherboard this is, and where the motherboard can be purchased? Also, which firmware was the motherboard designed for?

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robert wrote 03/22/2019 at 04:14 point

Thanks! the final board will be coming soon! and before that we will send severval board to test

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AiRLAC wrote 04/25/2019 at 07:04 point

Is this compatible with Eryone Thinker? If so, I'm happy to test :)

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911pcdoc wrote 05/12/2019 at 14:35 point

where can i sign up to test this awesome board?

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meisjohn wrote 05/12/2019 at 17:23 point

I'd also like to know how I can sign up to help beta test.

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