As far as the boards are concerned, it's not really that hard. Basically, you could build the whole thing on a perfboard. But who owns an etching machine his own certainly has a small advantage.
Connection Diagram for the Pressure-Sensor and Display -
2CASE and Slider STL Files
You may have to make one or the other change to your 3D printer.
Of course, the result will be even better if you have a SLS printer or you are using a print service, such as Shapeways. -
3Getting the source code
Download the source from Github.
https://github.com/proteus74/EmonicaTo compile, you will need the i2c_t3 library instead of the standard wire library.
You'll find it at: https://github.com/nox771/i2c_t3
You also need this library :
Adafruit GFX - https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library
Ignore the .vcxproj and .sln - Files. I use Visual Studio together with Visual Micro to develop, because it's more convenient. -
4Sourcecode explanations
If you install the software for the first time on the Teensy, in setup() you should comment in this line:
After flashing you have to comment out this line and you have to flash the teensy again.
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I'm attempting to source all the parts for this project. There's two components that don't have a clear description. I need a manufacturer and part number for the Fork Light Sessor and the 128x64 I2C OLED display. Everything else I was able to get.
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