
Board development for NUVOTON-N76E003

We had developed a kit for 8051 based NUVOTON-N76E003 controller

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This project aims to build a development board for NUVOTON-N76E003AT20 microcontroller. The N76E003 is an embedded flash type, 8-bit high performance 1T 8051-based microcontroller. The instruction set is fully compatible with the standard 80C51 and performance enhanced.

The development board features N76E003AT20 microcontroller , type B mini USB port, a USB to UART converter, voltage regulator, LED, switch , potentiometer for ADC input and general purpose IO ports for user applications.

The N76E003 provides rich peripherals including up to 18 general purpose I/O, two 16-bit Timers/Counters 0/1, one 16-bit Timer2 with three-channel input capture module, one Watchdog Timer (WDT), one Self Wake-up Timer (WKT), one 16-bit auto-reload Timer-3 for general purpose or baud rate generator, one SPI, one I2C, five enhanced PWM output channels, eight-channel shared pin interrupt for all I/O, and one 12-bit ADC. The peripherals are equipped with 18 sources with 4-level-priority interrupts capability.

The N76E003 contains an up to 18K Bytes of the main Flash called APROM, in which the contents of the User Code resides. To facilitate programming and verification, the Flash allows being programmed and read electronically by parallel Writer or In-Circuit-Programming (ICP). Once the code is confirmed, the user can lock the code for security.

We used KEIL-C51 IDE to programming. We had used NUVOTON based In-Circuit-Programming (ICP) software to flash the code in the controller. We checked the working of the board by running different types of code like GPIO, External Interrupt, Timer, LCD Interfacing, ADC by interfacing temperature sensor on the board.

Features of the development board:

  • N76E003AT20 microcontroller.
  • One switch 
  • One user LED 
  • One reset button
  • USB Type-B mini port for powering up
  • A 10kohm potentiometer for ADC interface
  • On-board 3.3V voltage regulator - AM1117
  • On-board power select pins for switching the operating voltage between 5V/3.3V
  • On-board power indicator LED
  • All port pins available through male header strips

    Zip Archive - 925.46 kB - 11/27/2018 at 14:09



    Development Board

    JPEG Image - 5.65 MB - 11/26/2018 at 08:29



    Top layer of PCB layout

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    Bottom layer of PCB layout

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    This is the main schematic which we had design for N76E003AT20 Development Board.

    sch - 979.98 kB - 11/26/2018 at 04:48


    View all 6 files

    • 1 × N76E003AT20 Nuvoton 8-bit 8051 based Microcontroller
    • 1 × AMS-1117 Power Management ICs / Linear Voltage Regulators
    • 1 × USB to mini Usb Cable for Programming
    • 2 × Switches RESET & User Switch
    • 2 × SMD LED POWER & User LED

    View all 11 components

    View all 4 project logs

    • 1
      Schematic & layout Design

      we had taken different type of peripherals in Schematic which we want to use in our board, for design this schematic we had used AutoDesk EAGLE CAD Tool. The design is made taken into consideration of the different requirements of the ICs used in the board.

    • 2
      PCB Fabrication

      After design layout it checked layer by layer in gerbview software and then it  is given for the fabrication. After the PCB is received, the components are soldered in the main PCB and are checked for any short connections.

    • 3
      Testing of Board

      working of development board and all peripherals are checked by different codes 

    View all 3 instructions

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    thinhx2 wrote 12/24/2020 at 02:18 point

    I have a question : why you need ch340g when n76e003 request nu-link programer. I know nuvoton no flash a bootloader with flash firmware via uart for n76e003

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    Thomas wrote 10/13/2019 at 20:27 point

    On the bright side, add two capacitors and you're good to go with the STM8S003F3P and get a console (at least one cap would be required  for the N76E003, too). It's also advisable to use a CH340C chip and leave away the crystal (the somewhat challenging placement of crystal, 22pf caps wouldn't matter :-) ).

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    Ken Yap wrote 10/13/2019 at 19:57 point

    Unfortunately some research on the 76E003 chip shows that while breakout boards are cheap enough (< $2), even if you use SDCC, you need the NU-Link hardware which is more costly than the corresponding ST-Link hardware, and run the Numicro ICP software. Here's somebody who got it to sort of work on Linux under Wine.

    So support on Linux not as good as STM8. I think I will stick with STM8 for now and hope the situation will improve so that we can have more competition in the value line space. I hope the situation changes and invalidates my concerns. Always looking for cheap (< $0.50) micros to throw at a multitude of applications.

    BTW the reason eForth doesn't work on the 8051 architecture (without a hardware hack to make the code segment accessible like data) is due to the Harvard architecture. If you are writing C then this isn't an issue.

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    Luis wrote 08/17/2019 at 18:16 point

    Some versions of the WS1209 thermostat also carry a nuvoton 8051 compatible chip, for less than $2. There is a project to use the stm8 version of this thermostat with eforth as a multi-purpose development board...

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    Ken Yap wrote 07/13/2019 at 21:35 point

    Was this a school project?

    I see you used the Keil development environment. I don't suppose you tried SDCC.

    There are small breakout boards with this MCU on eBay for about $4 though not with the peripherals you put on your board, just the MCU pins broken out and not much more.

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