
25th August: Brain-power !

A project log for WildDrone Locator

"Safety First!", we often hear. Mounted on a drone, this beacon says "I'm here!" in LoRa language.

mihaivdrMihaiVDR 09/30/2018 at 20:220 Comments

I miss it and i need it!

I am not very fast when it comes to programming, as a matter of fact I am really slow. I am that slow that I need help to finish this project on time. That's why I asked Alex from Embedded programming to help me out. He works all day with STM32 MCUs, so reading an UART interface and sending a packet of data every 10 seconds should be a breeze.

Unfortunately, he does not have an account on Hackaday, so I cannot add him in the "team".

Thank you Alex!
