Note: customized DIY kits are available for purchase. Please contact me here for more details.
I have recently completed an Xbox One X laptop mod. Ever since I saw the original Ben Heck Xbox laptop (over 12 year ago), I have wanted to build one of my own. Now that I have finished school and have a little more time and money, I decided to finally undertake this project. I spent a lot of time looking at other designs and decided that I wanted mine to stand out in several ways.
1. It needed to be thinner than the original xbox case
2. It needed to all look professionally made. This included very clean edges (no dremel cutting) and a nice surface finish.
3. It need to be designed in CAD and use readily available parts so that it could be easily reproducible.
The screen was constructed by sandwiching several plates together.
The beauty of CAD design is that you do all of the work in the computer, so when the parts arrive, it is trivial to assembly. Assembly of the case took under 5 minutes.
Another major struggle turned out to be soldering. Since the Xbox motherboard has several very large, internal power and ground planes, it can be difficult to reflow the solder with a hobbyist grade iron. I found that it required a 150W iron to get the solder to flow correctly.
Once everything was assembled internally, the final result looked like this:

As you can see from the photo, I have removed the casing from the power supply and extended the hard drive cables. Additionally, I had to rewire the connections for one of the wireless board so that I could place it underneath. Everything is bolted into place.
The scariest part was the first boot. Thankfully, this went smoothly.

Hello Jomega,
Nice project your work is really sharp and nice.
Can you please provide the design files?