There the ESP12 integrated with Tensilica processor, and can be programmed by the Arduino IDE..Er, i do not find adequate reasons to myself, why such a dual-core board. anyway, i made it, to those requests from hackaday...
the ESP12 runs as a Wifi receiver/sender, and controlled by the main SAMD21G18A via AT commands. ...
Same as my other Maduino products, this Maduino Zero runs at +3V3, can be powered by a lipo battery, and charged by Solar panels
I would like to make a project using this board, which I have already ordered. I would like to see the format in readable format without specific programs (Eagle). Can you publish the scheme in pdf? Thanks
I would like to make a project using this board, which I have already ordered. I would like to see the format in readable format without specific programs (Eagle). Can you publish the scheme in pdf? Thanks