I love the ATtiny micro-controller, I always have a few on hand and they always fill a niche in my projects with their simplicity and ease of use. however, I almost always use them on prototyping board, and as a result, my projects always take that much longer to complete.
The purpose of this board is just to speed up my projects a bit more, by including an ICSP header, 5v regulator, and pin labels. my goal for this board was to cut out some wasted time, so the parts here represent what I usually use in an ATtiny project.
well, got the boards in finally, all 50 of them. soldered up one of the boards and it looks great.
For what these cost I'm glad I made them. getting one of these ready to go take about 5 minutes of soldering and no time at all to add to a breadboard or protoboard. It's easy enough to program them in-circuit and they are able to take a voltage anywhere from 5v to 15v while also supplying a 5v supply for other circuit elements. it's also worth keeping in mind that these are still relatively inexpensive for what they are, here's the running total:
$16.17 for 50 boards (shipping included) = $0.3234
$1.24 for attiny85 (assuming no bulk pricing)
$0.17 for ams1117 (roughly)
and lets say $.10 for the capacitors and headers.
meaning the entire board start to finish costs $1.83 or just 47% more than a standard attiny85 project. Saving a lot of time that's well worth the cost in this case.
I also took a video of one of these running a simple counting program for which the code is included at the bottom.
This has been a project I've wanted to do for a while, since I had the time I got around to it. Typically with the ATtiny I find myself using the same basic circuit over and over again. Just to simplify my life i decided to produce that "same basic circuit" as a PCB. The idea is pretty straight forward, add an ICSP header and a voltage regulator then breakout the GPIO pins.
In reality I only undertook this project due to how ridiculously cheap getting prototype boards in hand has become recently. From JLCPCB 50 of these boards can be made for $10 so there aren't a lot of downsides to something like this that only saves me some time and trouble. Next update will be when i have these in hand!
This sounds like a great idea. It reminds me a little of something that @Sean Hodgins did last year: https://hackaday.io/project/159922-hcc-module