Digital Stopwatch with using 4026 ic , 555 timer Ic and 7-segment display.
required components are four 4026,four 7-segment display,one 555 timer ic,two 10k resistor,one 1k resistor,one female header,ic holders,one 10uF electrolyte Capacitor , 100k potentiometer and 5v regulator.
this is proper Working video of digital stopwatch
A stopwatch is a handheld timepiece designed to measure the amount of time that elapses between its activation and deactivation. A large digital version of a stopwatch designed for viewing at a distance, as in a sports stadium, is called a stopclock.

pin 1 is Clock pin, this pin connect to output of astable configuration of 555 timer ic pin 3(output).free running pulse generate by 555 timer ic
connection be like this figure
for cascading 2 or more 4026,1st 4026 pin 5 is carry,take that carry out to 2nd 4026 as Clock(pin 1).
2nd 4026 pin5 carryout connect to 3rd 4026 as clock input(pin 1)
and so on.

Which desginer/simulation program did you use for this circuit?
Do you know what I need to change/remove if I only want to count minutes, seconds and 1/10 of a second?