statorMount-Part.stl3D printable part to replace the wooden piece used to mount the stator at the end of the boom.Standard Tesselated Geometry - 100.67 kB - 03/02/2023 at 01:32 |
ArchivePlotter.pyProgram for viewing data from archived data on a hard drive (see Requires python and ObsPy installed.x-python-script - 5.48 kB - 03/09/2019 at 20:41 |
seedlinkRemote.pyProgram for viewing streaming data from a ringserver or seedlink server. Requires python and ObsPy.x-python-script - 7.74 kB - 03/09/2019 at 20:40 |
seedlinkArchiver.pyPython program to make daily archives of the seismometer data stream. Requires python and ObsPy. You will need to make changes to the log file location and the stored data location to match your system.x-python-script - 8.95 kB - 03/09/2019 at 13:50 |
Seismo.zipThis a directory containing all the files and programs required to run the seismometer on a Raspberry Pi. The path for this directory must be /home/pi/programs/Seismo. There must also be a symbolic link : /home/pi/ringserver/mseed that points to the location of the mseed files used by the ringserver. (e.g. ln -s /media/pi/THUMBDRIVE/mseed /home/pi/ringserver/mseed)Zip Archive - 177.15 kB - 03/09/2019 at 15:35 |
SeismoRotor.zipGerber files to make a PCB of the Rotor Plate. There are now alignment marks to aid in the alignment between the rotor and stator plates.Zip Archive - 40.70 kB - 03/09/2019 at 13:48 |
SeismoExciter.zipGerber files to make a PCB of the Exciter Sensor Plate. Added alignment marks.Zip Archive - 58.78 kB - 03/09/2019 at 13:48 |
SeismoCapacitor.zipGerber files to make a PCB of the Capacitor Sensor Plate. Added alignment marks.Zip Archive - 54.42 kB - 03/09/2019 at 13:47 |
Cap2Dig2.zipGerber files to make a PCB of the Capacitor to Digital Converter.Zip Archive - 13.24 kB - 03/09/2019 at 13:46 |
ring.confringserver configuration file.conf - 7.84 kB - 02/23/2019 at 14:23 |
PatentUS5461319.pdfDr. Peters U.S. patent #5,461,319 for a " Symmentric Differential Capacitance Transducer Employing Cross Coupled Conductive Plates to Form Equipotential Pairs". Granted Oct. 24, 1995.Adobe Portable Document Format - 1.20 MB - 01/26/2019 at 05:14 |
Instrumentation-Seismology.pdfHavskov, Jens, "Instrumentation in Earthquake Seismology", published June, 2002.Adobe Portable Document Format - 6.61 MB - 01/23/2019 at 15:24 |