While waiting for delivery of the spacers to mount the boards to the back plate, I put together this design to stress test Fritzing. Copy and Paste takes a while, DRC fails with a success message, but it did not crash, until the silkscreen label on the back copper was moved up and down using the keyboard.
@Benchoff, ready for that little contest...
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You are not going to buy this from Oshpark, right? You get five 2 layer, 300 mm x 300 mm boards, for $78.20 from jlcpcb.com, so $15.64 per board.
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Like @davedarko I like seeing my boards in @oshpark purple, its part of the workflow, helps me see mistakes...
I think this would look good with blue LEDs
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what the fuck
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10 Arduino Nano, 81 Seven Segment Displays, 1 Square Foot, Pure Madness...
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