
Luxonis DepthAI

Spatial AI Meets Embedded Systems

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Machine learning (ML) based computer vision (CV) is incredibly powerful... but when you go to use it to interact with physical world it can be incredibly frustrating and limiting.

This is because so far the whole ML-based computer vision has been stuck in 2D, particularly when it comes to Edge or Embedded AI.DepthAI brings Spatial AI - unleashing the power of machine learning into 3 dimensions.

Real-time 3D results of what object are, and where it is in x, y, and z relative to the camera, on your embedded platform (SPI interface), your Raspberry Pi (USB), or Linux/Mac/Windows computer. With convenient (and free!) Google Colab notebooks for training on your objects of interest.

With Open Source hardware and software integration and modification for your prototype and product is painless and low risk:

We have launched our 2nd KickStarter Campaign!

Our first KickStarter is below:

Today, our team is excited to release to you the OpenCV AI Kit, OAK, a modular, open-source ecosystem composed of MIT-licensed hardware, software, and AI training - that allows you to embed Spatial AI and CV super-powers into your product.

And best of all, you can buy this complete solution today and integrate it into your product tomorrow.

Back our campaign today!

The Why

  • There’s an epidemic in the US of injuries and deaths of people who ride bikes
  • Majority of cases are distracted driving caused by smart phones (social media, texting, e-mailing, etc.)
  • We set out to try to make people safer on bicycles in the US
    • We’re technologists
    • Focused on AI/ML/Embedded
    • So we’re seeing if we can make a technology solution

Commute Guardian

(If you'd like to read more about CommuteGuardian, see here)

DepthAI Platform

  • In prototyping the Commute Guardian, we realized how powerful the combination of Depth and AI is.
  • And we realized that no such embedded platform existed
  • So we built it.  And we're releasing it to the world through a Crowd Supply campaign, here

We want this power to be easily embeddable into products (including our own) in a variety of form-factors (yours and ours).  So we made a System on Module which exposes all the key interfaces through an easy-to-integrate 100-pin connector.  

Unlike existing USB or PCIE Myriad X modules, our DepthAI module exposes 3x MIPI camera connections (1x 4-lane, 2x 2-lane) which allows the Myriad X to received data directly from the camera modules - unburdening the host

The direct MIPI connections to the Myriad X removes the video data path from the host entirely.  And actually this means the Myriad X can operate without a host entirely.  Or it can operate with a host, leaving the host CPU completely unburdened with all the vision and AI work being done entirely on the DepthAI module/Myriad X.

This results in huge efficiency increases (and power reduction) while also reducing latency, increasing overall frame-rate, and allowing hardware blocks which were previously unusable to be leveraged.

Take real-time object detection on the Myriad X interface with the Raspberry Pi 3B+ as an example:

Because of the data path efficiencies of DepthAI vs. using an NCS2, the frame rate increases from 8 FPS to 25FPS.  

And most importantly, using this data path allow utilization of the following Myriad X hardware blocks which are unusable with previous solutions:

This means that DepthAI is a full visual perception module - including 3D perception - and no longer just a neural processor, enabling real-time object localization in physical space, like below, but at 25FPS instead of 3FPS:

And to allow you to use this power right away, and with your favorite OS/platform, we made 3x editions of DepthAI, which serve as both reference designs for integrating the DepthAI module into your own custom hardware and also as ready-to-use platforms that can be used as-is to solve your computer vision problems, as-is.
  1. Raspberry Pi Compute Module Edition - with 3x integrated cameras
  2. Raspberry Pi HAT Edition - with 3x modular cameras
  3. USB3 Edition - compatible with Yocto, Debian, Ubuntu, Mac OS X and Windows 10

All of the above reference designs will be released should our CrowdSupply campaign be successfully funded.  So if you'd like to leverage these designs for your designs, or if you'd like to use this hardware directly, please support our CrowdSupply campaign:

Development Steps

The above is the result of a lot of background work to get familiar with the Myriad X, and architect and iterate...

Read more »

  • 1 × Intel Movidius Myriad X Vision/AI Processor
  • 1 × CM3B+ Raspberry Pi Compute Module 3B+
  • 2 × OV9282 Global Shutter camera modules optimized for disparity depth
  • 1 × IMX378 Nice high-resolution 12MP camera module that supports 12MP stills

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rand3289 wrote 06/05/2020 at 03:00 point

Awesome project!  However, 3D is not enough.  Use TIME - the fourth dimension.  I describe why and what that means in this short paper: 

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Brandon wrote 06/05/2020 at 03:13 point

Hi @rand3289 ,


Yes, time is very important in a lot of perception, whether it's integrating LSTM w/ YOLO, or using time to better estimate depth.

On the depth part, see here:

Which builds off of work from Google, which took advantage of time in the training data, but not in the network itself (which is the above improvement):

On YOLO with an LSTM (so to take advantage of time), see here:

I think there's newer/better than that.  I know AlexeyAB and he shared that w/ me back in July 2019... so that's from a LONG time ago in computer vision/AI rates.

We haven't investigated any of these on the platform... there's so much core platform work to be done, but many of them are probably runnable on the platform with some work/optimization.




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Andrey V wrote 08/30/2019 at 17:53 point

I think it's too hard to get it work IRL. If you will do it, your LVL=80)

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Brandon wrote 08/30/2019 at 17:59 point

Heh.  Thanks.  It's definitely a hard project - but we're hoping it will provide a lot of value!

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Andrey V wrote 08/30/2019 at 18:02 point

Good luck!!!

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Brandon wrote 06/05/2020 at 03:05 point

Hi @Andrey V - so you can buy it IRL now:  And it's open source with a whole ton of useful stuff.  To pick a random repo, checkout some of our recent experiments with the platform here:

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Brandon wrote 10/05/2020 at 16:02 point

Hi @Andrey V ,

So as an update, you can also now buy this as the OpenCV AI Kit:
It comes with neat aluminum enclosures with Gorilla-Glass Anti-Reflective Coatings.  



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Alan wrote 08/04/2019 at 00:40 point

Does your SOM break out the PCIe lanes on the movidius? I was looking at the UP Ai core but they convert PCIe to usb on board.

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Brandon wrote 08/04/2019 at 01:03 point

Great question, thanks.

It does not.  The SoM uses USB3 (or 2) to connect to the host.  Less power, fewer parts, and also works with hosts that don’t have PCIE or don’t want to tie up a PCIE slot for this.

On the DepthAI for Raspberry Pi version there’s a USB hub chip on the carrier board, which is what allows the pi compute module to talk to the myriad x and also the outside world.

And yes the PCIE boards do convert from PCIE to USB on-board.

If you don’t mind me asking, why do you ask?  Do you need direct PCIE connection?


Thanks again,


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Alan wrote 08/05/2019 at 05:47 point

I can't think of any reason right away, but it would be great to have as much of the io exposed as possible.  I think at least the SPI and ethernet should be exposed because those would both be useful for someone who wanted to use the SOM as a standalone device.

P.s. what did you guys have to do in order to aquire the chips? I can't seem to find anywhere to order them online

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Brandon wrote 08/06/2019 at 22:35 point

Hey Alan,

So for some reason I can't reply to your comment, so I'm replying here instead.  So we don't know how to make Ethernet work yet from a firmware standpoint (and don't have a clear path to figuring it out) so we left it off of this SoM.  

That said we are making a SoM w/ an i.MX 8M on w/ the Myriad X, so that would provide Ethernet and a whole slew of interfaces like USB3, WiFi, etc.




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Brandon wrote 10/15/2021 at 19:49 point

We have a SOM with PCIE host support now.  See here:

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psykhon wrote 03/07/2019 at 12:19 point

Hi Brandon, awesome project! 

How hard was to get te myriad x chips? Can you share some info on how do you do it? price?

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Capt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ wrote 02/01/2019 at 14:53 point

I checked out that link above - I wonder how their larger kit compares to the Jetson TX2 in terms of performance?

I realise performance is not everything and the Intel model zoo is pretty useful. The Nvidia software seems to be a bit behind in that they only have blvc_Googlenet as 'out of the box' solution for detection.

What do you think your price point will be for a single myriad X carrier board, I'm presuming about $100 ?

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Brandon wrote 02/01/2019 at 15:02 point

Great question!  So we've actually done a decent amount of stuff on the Tx2 as well.  The Myriad X, in terms of straight neural inference performance (e.g. object detection, semantic segmentation, etc.) is about the same as the Tx2.  The Myriad X neural engine is 1 TOPS, and the Tx2 peaks in ideal conditions at 2 TOPS, but from below, it seems like in most conditions, it's effectively 1 TOPS:

But!  If your application is depth vision + neural inference, the Myriad X is equivalent to about 2 or 3 Jetson Tx2, mainly because of the 16 SHAVE cores in the Myriad X, which together can do 6 cameras in 3 pairs of depth streams. 

The neural inference part of the Myriad X is only 1 TOPS of the total 4 TOPS the device an do.  The remaining tops are for image processing functions like depth vision.

So this board won't really even tax the Myriad X, as there will just be one depth stream.  That said, we can use the extra Myriad X 'head room' to run fancier/more-processing-intensive depth calculation on these just 2 cameras - to produce a better set of depth information.

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Capt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ wrote 01/31/2019 at 22:58 point

Hello Brandon! Does the Myriad X chip get put on the carrier board or does it stay in the USB stick?

If it goes on the board, how many of them?

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Brandon wrote 02/01/2019 at 12:37 point

The Myriad X would be directly on the carrier board.  We could make versions with multiple Myriad X, for sure.  Is that of interest?  

These guys did that for their PCIE version:

I have 2 of those on order, by the way.  They're useful as well, for sure - just a different application, and not applicable for the Pi community (which is what this board should serve).

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