An Arduino Uno-based drone in less than a 100 lines of code.
The control loop runs at less than 20 Hz. This is quite slow and causes the drone to be unstable, unless a (second order) acceleration term is included in the linear regulator.
The benefit is that the control loop takes up very few resources, allowing the microprocessor to carry out other tasks, for instance managing the wifi communication.
Having the kids program the drone is part of a wider pedagogical progression, starting out by the first building and learning to fly a small in-door drone:
So in a couple of weeks, we're off to Italy. We'll be visiting the Arduino development and manufacturing centers in Turin, visit the da Vinci Museum in Florence and finally spend four days in Rome for the MFR19.
That will also be the baptism of fire of our Flying Hacker Lab - a transportable maker space aimed at engaging people - and particularly educators - in hacking.
The fully deployed lab consists of six stations:
* a soldering workshop for soldering all kinds of stuff, including jewelry
* a robot assembly corner
* a 3D printing workshop
* a programming corner
* a robot Dark Side Challenge test track
* a hyggelig story-telling and drawing corner
Many thanks to our sponsors for supporting the trip and the Flying Hacker Lab:
The Dark Side Probe is about using the Dark Side Challenge software stack to collect information in a remote area, with a particular attention to battery life & power consumption
The current version consists of an Arduino Pro Mini managing a SIM7000E GSM+GPS module.
We have simply added the SIM7000 functionality by reusing (refactoring) most of the existing ESP8266 code.
What we are still missing is:
* to find out how to make the SIM7000 enter sleep mode
* reduce the time it takes to get a GSM connection (currently takes >10 min). The target is a few seconds, as we would like to achieve a year-long battery life.
* get GPS information from the SIM7000, possibly using Assisted GPS
... a group of children are evaluating how fun and educational their session with Dark Side Rover Icebot just was: left hand shows how fun (on a scale from 0-5), right hand shows how educational. Straight 10/10 !
Makeresses in the making!
Accomplished Dark Side Missions included "Under the bridge" and "Find the sandal"