
Android offline speech recognition natively on PC

Porting the Android on-device speech recognition found in GBoard to TensorFlow Lite or LWTNN

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March 12, 2019 the Google AI blog posted progress on their on-device speech recognizer. It promises real time, offline, character by character speech recognition, and the early reviews I could find are very positive.
Especially the offline part is very appealing to me, as it should to any privacy conscious mind. Unfortunately this speech recognizer is only available to Pixel owners at this time.

Since GBoard uses TensorFlow Lite, and the blog post is also mentioning the use of this library, I was wondering if I could get my hands on the model, and import it in my own projects, maybe even using LWTNN.

I'm moderately versed in the world of machine learning, so this project will besides the specific model reverse engineering of the trained model, also consist of me learning TensorFlow, lwtnn and the application of trained models in new applications. And it might be all over my head, and result in a complete waste of time.

The workflow will be as follows:

  1. Find the trained models (DONE)
  2. Figure out how to import the model in TensorFlow (DONE)
  3. Figure out how to connect the different inputs and outputs to each other (in progress)
  4. (optional) export to lwtnn
  5. Write lightweight application for dictation (DONE)

Finding the trained models was done by reverse engineering the GBoard app using apktool. Further analysis of the app is necessary to find the right parameters to the models, but the initial blog post also provides some useful info:

Representation of an RNN-T, with the input audio samples, x, and the predicted symbols y. The predicted symbols (outputs of the Softmax layer) are fed back into the model through the Prediction network, as yu-1, ensuring that the predictions are conditioned both on the audio samples so far and on past outputs. The Prediction and Encoder Networks are LSTM RNNs, the Joint model is a feedforward network (paper). The Prediction Network comprises 2 layers of 2048 units, with a 640-dimensional projection layer. The Encoder Network comprises 8 such layers. Image credit: Chris Thornton

Audio input

The audio input is probably 80 log-Mel channels, as described in this paper. Gauging from the number of inputs to the first encoder (enc0), 3 frames should be stacked and provided to enc0. Then three more frames should be captured to run enc0 again to obtain a second output. Both those outputs should be fed to the second encoder (enc1) to provide it with a tensor of length 1280. The output of the second encoder is fed to the joint.


The decoder is fed with a tensor of zeros at t=0. The output is fed to the joint. In the next iteration the decoder is fed with the output of the softmax layer, which is of lenght 128 and represents the probabilities of the symbol heard in the audio. This way the current symbol depends on all the previous symbols in the sequence.

Joint and softmax

The joint and softmax have the least amount of tweakable parameters. The two inputs of the joint are just the outputs of de decoder and encoder, and the softmax only turns this output into probabilities between 1 and 0.


I recently found a nice overview presentation of (almost) current research, with an interesting description starting on slide 81 explaining when to advance the encoder and retain the prediction network state.


raw protobuf dictation.config almost completely converted to ascii format. Still a couple ids missing.

ascii_proto - 11.14 kB - 03/17/2019 at 17:39


  • SODA finally landed, client working

    biemster12/15/2020 at 18:03 23 comments

    UPD: wine is not necessary anymore.

    So SODA finally landed, sort of, and for a couple weeks already apparently. I've been on the lookout for the Linux library, since that is my preferred environment and I was under the impression that the development was taking place on that platform. But I was wrong, and the Windows and macOS libraries were available since late November.

    Since I'm much more capable on a Linux machine, I've searched (and found!) a way to use either one of those available libraries. In my last post I reported on quite a successful project with the Google TTS library, which resulted in a very lightweight client for it. And fortunately the same can be said for the SODA client, resulting in a very small code base with only the library as dependency. This enabled me to work with wine, and have it pipe the data straight from whatever Linux application I wanted to use to the Windows DLL.

    Just issue the following command:

    $ ecasound -f:16,1,16000 -i alsa -o:stdout | wine gasr.exe

    and watch your conversations roll over the screen: 

    W1215 22:58:43.683654      44] Soda session starting (require_hotword:0, hotword_timeout_in_millis:0)
    >>> hello
    >>> hello from
    >>> hello from
    >>> hello from sod
    >>> hello from soda
    >>> hello from soda
    >>> final: hello from soda

    The SODA client I wrote is developed in a separate repository (gasr), as it will be mostly just a tool to do the full reverse engineering of the RNN and transducer. But having an actual working implementation will greatly improve my ability to figure out the inner workings of the models.

    Using wine as an intermediate is still far from ideal, but I guess that the Linux library will also pop up soon considering ChromeOS would depend on it.


    As @a1is pointed out, the Linux library is also out there already, so no need to go the wine way anymore. And as an added bonus, the GBoard models are working with these libraries as well! That opens up a whole world of experimentation, since there are already quite a few of those spotted in the wild!


    Now with a python client in the repo, for easier integration with home automation and such.

  • ChromeVox Next offline TTS client, a sister project

    biemster11/30/2020 at 15:23 2 comments

    In a large part my reason to start this speech recognition project was for home automation,  and to get some feedback from my home a logical companion project is the reverse of speech recognition: Text to Speech (TTS). The offline TTS on Android has quite a pleasant voice and seemed to be running on Chrome on Desktop as well, so it made a perfect combination with the recognition pipeline.

    With the recognition project waiting for SODA to be released for Chrome, I had a bit of time to tackle this TTS, which turned out to be quite a bit easier, and definitely quicker!

    I started with getting a copy of Chrome OS in a virtual machine, courtesy of Incidentally I also found a page in the Chrome source repo mentioning that the TTS part of Chrome OS can be downloaded separately.

    After a weekend of getting ltrace running on chromeos, and tracing the calls to the googletts library, I wrote a tiny (~50 lines of C) client which pipes any Google voice (there are quite many languages available) to for example ALSA:

    ./gtts "Hello from Google Text to Speech!" | aplay -r22050 -fFLOAT_LE -c1

    It's just a tiny proof of concept, which can easily be added to any C/C++ project out there. Also a python wrapper would be awesome, maybe I get to that someday (or maybe you want to pick that up?). Code lives on github, if you decide to use it don't forget to leave a comment below! 

  • SODA: Speech On-Device API

    biemster05/04/2020 at 16:13 10 comments

    Progress has been slow lately, due to the difficulty of tracing the apps in how they use the models, and also my lack of free android hardware to run tests on. However, this may become completely irrelevant in the near future!

    It seems Google is building speech recognition into Chromium, to bring a feature called Live Caption to the browser. To transcribe videos playing in the browser a new API is slowly being introduced: SODA. There is already a lot of code in the chromium project related to this, and it seems that it might be introduced this summer or even sooner. A nice overview of the code already in the codebase can be seen in the commit renaming SODA to speech recognition.

    What is especially interesting is that it seems it will be using the same language packs and RNNT models as the Recorder and GBoard apks, since I recently found the following model zip:

    It is from a link found in the latest GBoard app, but it clearly indicates that the model will be served via the soda API. It is still speculative though, but it seems only logical (to me at least) that the functionality in Chromium will be based on the same models. There is also this code:

    which indicates that soda will come as a library, and reads the same dictation configs as the android apps do.

    Since Chromium is open source, it will help enormously in figuring out how to talk to the models. This opens up a third way of getting them incorporated into my own projects:

    1) import the tflite files directly in tensorflow (difficult to figure out how, especially the input audio and the beam search at the end)

    2) create a java app for android and have the native library import the model for us (greatly limits the platform where it can run on, also requires android hardware which i don't have free atm)

    3) Follow the code in Chromium, as it will likely use the same models

    I actually came up with a straightforward 4th option as well recently, and can't believe I did not think of that earlier:

    4) Patch GBoard so it also enables "Faster voice typing" on non-Pixel devices. Then build a simple app with a single text field that sends everything typed (by gboard voice typing) to something like MQTT or whatever your use case might be.

    I'll keep a close eye on the Live Transcribe feature of Chromium, because I think that that is the most promising path at the moment, and keep my fingers crossed it will show how to use those models in my own code. In the mean time I found a couple more RNNT models for the GBoard app, one of which was called "small" and was only 12MB in size:

    Very curious how that one performs!

    UPDATE june 8:

    The following commit just went into the chromium project, stating:

    This CL adds a speech recognition client that will be used by the Live
    Caption feature. This is a temporary implementation using the Open
    Speech API that will allow testing and experimentation of the Live
    Caption feature while the Speech On-Device API (SODA) is under
    development. Once SODA development is completed, the Cloud client will
    be replaced by the SodaClient.

    So I guess the SODA implementation is taking a bit longer than expected, and an online recognizer will be used initially when the Live Caption feature launches. On the upside, this temporary code should already enable me to write some boilerplate stuff to interface with the recognizer, so when SODA lands I can hit the ground running.

  • Pixel 4 Recorder app with offline transcribe

    biemster10/16/2019 at 07:58 4 comments

    So 15th of October Google showcased the new Recorder app for Pixel 4 devices, with real time transcription. After downloading the app and peaking inside it contains the same type of RNNT models with 2 encoders, a decoder and a joint, so I assume it's the same model. It is considerably smaller though, so I expect it to be an update.

    The tflite files are also not obfuscated, and the zip contains .ascii_proto files that are human readable. It even contains shell scripts to run the models on a local machine!

    This is the third full model I'm analysing, and seems to contain the most info thus far. I'll update this log is I find out more.

  • Google Open-Sources Live Transcribe's Speech Engine

    biemster08/19/2019 at 12:54 0 comments

    This is mainly a log to indicate that this project is still very much alive. Google announced August 16th that it open sourced the Live Transcribe speech engine, with an accompanying github repo. What is especially interesting for this project is the following line in the github

    • Extensible to offline models

    I'll be dissecting the code in this repository for the next weeks, and I expect to get some good hints how to feed the models in my project with a correctly processed audio stream. And maybe I can even plug in the offline models directly and build an android app with it, who knows? More to come.

  • Recovering the symbol table

    biemster03/27/2019 at 18:48 0 comments

    One last thing that was still missing was the symbol table. Apparently the output of the softmax layer maps directly to the symbol table, and since this output is 128 in length, I was searching for a table of this same length.

    The prime suspect was of course the 'syms' binary, but I could not seem to open it. The blog post mentions FST, so I started my investigation with OpenFST. There is a nice python wrapper that could open the file, and returned some sensible name for the thing. But when I queried the keys, it would return 0.

    In a hex editor I already noticed a funny sentence somewhere in the body: "We love Marisa." Initially I thought that was some padding built in by a developer, and took no notice of it. However, this is actually the header of a filetype for the library libmarisa, which is an acronym for Matching Algorithm with Recursively Implemented StorAge.

    Extracting just this part of the binary is easy:

    import sys
    fname = sys.argv[1]
    b = bytearray(open(fname, 'rb').read())
    for i in range(len(b)):
        if b[i:i+15] == "We love Marisa.":
            open(fname + '.marisa', 'wb').write(b[i:])

    And the file syms.marisa can be read with the python package marisa-trie, presenting me with a nice symbol table:

    import marisa_trie
    trie = marisa_trie.Trie()
    <marisa_trie.Trie object at 0x7f5ad44330b0>
    [(u'{', 0),
    (u'{end-quotation-mark}', 122),
    (u'{end-quote}', 123),
    (u'{exclamation-mark}', 124),
    (u'{exclamation-point}', 125),
    (u'{quotation-mark}', 126),
    (u'{quote}', 127),
    (u'{question-mark}', 103),
    (u'{sad-face}', 104),
    (u'{semicolon}', 105),
    (u'{smiley-face}', 106),
    (u'{colon}', 107),
    (u'{comma}', 108),
    (u'{dash}', 109),
    (u'{dot}', 110),
    (u'{forward-slash}', 111),
    (u'{full-stop}', 112),
    (u'{hashtag}', 113),
    (u'{hyphen}', 114),
    (u'{open-quotation-mark}', 115),
    (u'{open-quote}', 116),
    (u'{period}', 117),
    (u'{point}', 118),
    (u'{apostrophe}', 94),
    (u'{left-bracket}', 95),
    (u'{right-bracket}', 96),
    (u'{underscore}', 97),
    (u'<', 1),
    (u'<s>', 119),
    (u'<sorw>', 120),
    (u'<space>', 121),
    (u'</s>', 98),
    (u'<epsilon>', 99),
    (u'<noise>', 100),
    (u'<text_only>', 101),
    (u'<unused_epsilon>', 102),
    (u'!', 2),
    (u'"', 3),
    (u'#', 4),
    (u'$', 5),
    (u'%', 6),
    (u'&', 7),
    (u"'", 8),
    (u'(', 9),
    (u')', 10),
    (u'*', 11),
    (u'+', 12),
    (u',', 13),
    (u'-', 14),
    (u'.', 15),
    (u'/', 16),
    (u'0', 17),
    (u'1', 18),
    (u'2', 19),
    (u'3', 20),
    (u'4', 21),
    (u'5', 22),
    (u'6', 23),
    (u'7', 24),
    (u'8', 25),
    (u'9', 26),
    (u':', 27),
    (u';', 28),
    (u'=', 29),
    (u'>', 30),
    (u'?', 31),
    (u'@', 32),
    (u'A', 33),
    (u'B', 34),
    (u'C', 35),
    (u'D', 36),
    (u'E', 37),
    (u'F', 38),
    (u'G', 39),
    (u'H', 40),
    (u'I', 41),
    (u'J', 42),
    (u'K', 43),
    (u'L', 44),
    (u'M', 45),
    (u'N', 46),
    (u'O', 47),
    (u'P', 48),
    (u'Q', 49),
    (u'R', 50),
    (u'S', 51),
    (u'T', 52),
    (u'U', 53),
    (u'V', 54),
    (u'W', 55),
    (u'X', 56),
    (u'Y', 57),
    (u'Z', 58),
    (u'[', 59),
    (u'\\', 60),
    (u']', 61),
    (u'^', 62),
    (u'_', 63),
    (u'`', 64),
    (u'a', 65),
    (u'b', 66),
    (u'c', 67),
    (u'd', 68),
    (u'e', 69),
    (u'f', 70),
    (u'g', 71),
    (u'h', 72),
    (u'i', 73),
    (u'j', 74),
    (u'k', 75),
    (u'l', 76),
    (u'm', 77),
    (u'n', 78),
    (u'o', 79),
    (u'p', 80),
    (u'q', 81),
    (u'r', 82),
    (u's', 83),
    (u't', 84),
    (u'u', 85),
    (u'v', 86),
    (u'w', 87),
    (u'x', 88),
    (u'y', 89),
    (u'z', 90),
    (u'|', 91),
    (u'}', 92),
    (u'~', 93)]

     I believe I have recovered all the main components now, so what is left is just brute forcing how to present the data to the individual models. I earlier overlooked that the decoder should be initialised with a <sos> start of sequence when an utterance starts, so I think I should get a proper endpointer implementation and experiment which symbol is this <sos> (I only could find a <sorw>, <s> and </s>).

  • Experiments with the endpointer

    biemster03/26/2019 at 19:25 0 comments

    My focus at the moment is on the endpointer, because I can bruteforce its parameters for the signal processing a lot faster than when I use the complete dictation graph. I added a script to the github repo which should initialize it properly. I'm using a research paper which I believe details the endpointer used in the models as a guide, so I swapped to using log-Mel filterbank energies instead of the plain power spectrum as before.

    I believe the endpointer net outputs two probabilities: p(speech) and p(non speech) as given in this diagram from the paper:

    The results from the are still a bit underwhelming:

    so some more experiments are needed. I'll update this log when there are more endpointer results.


    Thanks to awesome work being done by thebabush in the github repo, the endpointer gives very good results now! The most relevant changes are the normalisation of the input by 32767, and the change of the upper bound of the log mel features from 7500Hz to 3800Hz. This gives excellent results:

    The top plot is the wav file with some utterances, the middle is p(speech) and the bottom is p(non speech), both with 0 being high probability. (Or the other way around, actually not sure of the absolute meaning of the values)

  • First full model tests

    biemster03/22/2019 at 20:45 0 comments

    The github repo is updated with the first full model test. This test just tries to run the RNNs with a sample wav file input.

    What this experiment does is the following:

    1. Split the incoming audio in 25 ms segments, with a stepsize of 10ms (so the input buffers overlap). Compute the FFT to calculate the energies in 80 frequency bins between 125 and 7500 Hz. The above values are taken from the dictation ascii_proto.
    2. Average those 80 channels to 40 channels to feed the EndPointer model. This model should decide if the end of a symbol is reached in the speech, and signal the rest of the RNNs to work their magic. Just print the output of the endpointer, since I don't know how to interpret the results.
    3. Feed the 80 channels to a stacker for the first encoder (enc0). This encoder takes 3 frames stacked as input, resulting in an input tensor of length 240.
    4. The output of the first encoder goes to a second stacker, since the input of the second encoder (enc1) is twice the length of the output of the first.
    5. The output of the second encoder goes to the joint network. This joint has two inputs of length 640, one of which is looped from the decoder. At first iteration a dummy input from the decoder is used, and the values from the second encoder are the second input.
    6. The output of the joint is fed to the decoder, which produces the final result of the model. This model is fed back into the joint network for the next iteration, and should go to the next stage of the recognizer (probably FST?)

    In my initial runs the decoder outputs just NaNs, which is highly disappointing :(.

    When I feed both the first and second encoder with random values, the output of the decoder is actually proper values, so my first guess is that the fft energies are not calculated correctly. That will be my focus for now, in combination with the endpointer. My next experiments will search for the correct feeding of the endpointer, so it gives sensible values at points in the audio sample where symbols should be produced.

    Make it so!

    *I just realize that that should be my test sample.wav*

    UPDATE: the nan issue in the decoder output was easily solved by making sure no NaN values loop back from the decoder into the joint, so the joint is next iteration fed with proper values.

  • Recovering tflite models from the binaries

    biemster03/21/2019 at 08:33 4 comments

    After hours of looking at hex values, searching for constants or pointers or some sort of pattern, comparing it with known data structures, and making importers for both C++ and python to no avail, I finally hit the jackpot:

    When you look at the header of a proper tflite model you will see something like this:

    Especially the TFL3 descriptor is present in all model files. The binary files in the superpack zip supposedly containing the models look like this:

    They all have this 'N\V)' string on the same spot as the tflite model's descriptor, and nowhere else in the 100MB+ files. Then I also remembered being surprised by all these 1a values throughout all the binaries from the zip, and noticed they coincide with 00 values from the proper tflite models.

    Now anybody who ever dabbled a bit in reverse engineering probably immediately says: XOR!

    It took me a bit longer to realize that, but the tflite models are easily recovered xor'ing the files with the value in place of the 00's:

    import sys
    fname = sys.argv[1]
    b = bytearray(open(fname, 'rb').read())
    for i in range(len(b)): b[i] ^= 0x1a
    open(fname + '.tflite', 'wb').write(b)

    This will deobfuscate the binaries, which can than be imported with your favorite tensorflow lite API. The following script will give you the inputs and outputs of the models:

    import tensorflow as tf
    models = ['joint','dec','enc0','enc1','ep']
    interpreters = {}
    for m in models:
        # Load TFLite model and allocate tensors.
        interpreters[m] = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_path=m+'.tflite')
        # Get input and output tensors.
        input_details = interpreters[m].get_input_details()
        output_details = interpreters[m].get_output_details()

    Now I actually have something to work with! The above script gives the following output, showing the input and output tensors of the different models:

    De decoder and both encoders have an output with length 640, and the joint has two inputs of length 640. I will have to experiment a bit what goes where, since the graph I made from the dictation.config and the diagram in the blog post don't seem to be consistent here.

    With the dictation.ascii_proto and those models imported in tensorflow, I can start scripting the whole workflow. I hope the config has enough information on how to feed the models, but I'm quite confident now some sort of working example can be made out of this.

  • Analysis of the dictation.config protobuf

    biemster03/17/2019 at 20:10 0 comments

    The dictation.config seems to be the file used by GBoard to make sense of the models in the zipfile. It defines streams, connections, resources and processes. I made a graph of the streams and connections:

    It starts with a single input, as expected the audio stream. There is some signal analysis done of course, before it is fed to the neural nets. If I compare this diagram with the one in the blog post, there are a couple things unclear to me at the moment:

    1. Where is the loop, that feeds the last character back into the predictor?
    2. Where does the joint network come in?

    The complexity of the above graph worries me a bit, since there will be a lot of variables in the signal analysis I will have to guess. It does however seem to indicate that my initial analysis on the 'enc{0,1}' and 'dec' binaries was incorrect, since they are simply called in series in the above diagram.

    This whole thing actually raises more questions than it answers, I will have to mull this over for a while. In the mean time I will focus on how to read the 3 binary nets I mention above.

View all 12 project logs

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alopez247 wrote 02/09/2022 at 16:31 point

Hi! Awesome project! I'm currently trying to compile it. After downloading the models from Chrome (libsoda version: I'm getting this error:

g++ -o gasr gasr.c -L. -Wl,-rpath,. -lsoda
/usr/bin/ld: /tmp/ccOy0vpm.o: in function `main':
gasr.c:(.text+0x172): referencia a `CreateSodaAsync' sin definir
/usr/bin/ld: gasr.c:(.text+0x22b): reference to `AddAudio' undefined
/usr/bin/ld: gasr.c:(.text+0x24f): reference to `DeleteSodaAsync' undefined
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [Makefile:5: gasr] Error 1

Might this be due to some backwards compatibility issue? Maybe the project source code requires an older libsoda version (1.0.X.X)? Should this be the case, any tips on how to get an older lisoda version?


  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/03/2022 at 15:14 point

The newest soda libraries indeed do not support the "nonExtended" API anymore. The python code is the only example that works, because the Extended API requires protobuffers and it would take quite an effort for me to implement that in the C code.

I'm not sure if using an old version of the library is the way forward, since they don't seem to support the newer gboard models. So implementing protobuffers would be advised if you need this in C.

If you really need an old version I can probably find one on my disk, PM in that case.

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/03/2022 at 17:50 point

I just found protobuf-c, which converts proto files into c code. So adding them to the C client should be quite straightforward.. (although I doubt I will get to it anytime soon)

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Textmode wrote 04/15/2021 at 03:10 point

Hi, like your project and looking forward to any progress you will make in the future. Just curious as to where you got the French model from? Are there any other language models that are available? Sorry if you have already answered this, I couldn't find any responses.

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biemster wrote 04/23/2021 at 06:21 point

The French model was misplaced in a GBoard superpack (see the other logs / comments how to obtain those), and there is a Spanish model available in Chrome. Besides that there are app ids for Japanese, Italian and German languages, but the updater service does not recognize those yet.

UPDATE: All six languages mentioned here are now available from the chrome updater.

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Textmode wrote 06/22/2021 at 04:51 point

That's great! Is it possible to download the other languages and can they be used with this project?

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biemster wrote 06/22/2021 at 10:38 point

@Textmode yes they can be downloaded with chrome, and used with this project

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benhuang2018 wrote 04/06/2021 at 03:04 point

Hi Sir/Madam,

I'm new to hackaday, i found this project very interesting, and i'm trying to reproduce the result with the instruction in description and readme file. but i can't make it right... please enlight me if i did something wrong...

my environment is ubuntu 18.04.5, it's a clean environment, i install it on a new drive.

here is my steps:

1. download chrome beta from google (, the version i got is 90.0.4430.51(64-bit)

2. enable live caption from setting:

    setting -> advanced -> accessibility -> Caption -> live caption -> set to ON and wait for download complate

3. clone the gasr repo: git clone

4. copy the library file from chrome's profile folder:

     > cd /home/<username>/.config/google-chrome-beta/SODA/1.0.3/SODAFiles

     > cp <project_dir>

5. copy language file from chrome's profile folder:

     > cd /home/<username>/.config/google-chrome-beta/SODALanguagePacks/en-US/1.0.0

     > cp -r SODAModels/ <project_dir>

6. build the gasr.c

     > make

     result >>> g++ -o gasr gasr.c -L. -Wl,-rpath,. -lsoda

7. run the model with sample audio (

      > sudo ./gasr < samples_cpp_windows_console_samples_whatstheweatherlike.wav

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benhuang2018 wrote 04/06/2021 at 03:06 point

and my output is below:

> sudo ./gasr < samples_cpp_windows_console_samples_whatstheweatherlike.wav 

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogle() is written to STDERR
W0406 11:03:00.264677   22156] Creating soda_impl
I0406 11:03:00.264819   22156] Maximum audio history (ms): 30000
I0406 11:03:00.264840   22156] Adding Resampler from 16000 to 16000
I0406 11:03:00.264977   22156] Enabling power evaluator.
I0406 11:03:00.264983   22156] Adding preamble processor.
I0406 11:03:00.264986   22156] Enabling On Device ASR
I0406 11:03:00.265156   22156] Config file: ./SODAModels/configs/ONDEVICE_MEDIUM_CONTINUOUS.config
I0406 11:03:00.265403   22156] Loaded PipelineDef.
I0406 11:03:00.265416   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.syms.compact
I0406 11:03:00.265421   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.syms.compact
I0406 11:03:00.265424   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.syms.compact
I0406 11:03:00.265429   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.syms.compact
I0406 11:03:00.265547   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_dictation_frontend_params.mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.265555   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_dictation_frontend_params.mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.265557   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_dictation_frontend_params.mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.265561   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_dictation_frontend_params.mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.265602   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.wpm.portable
I0406 11:03:00.265608   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.wpm.portable
I0406 11:03:00.265610   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.wpm.portable
I0406 11:03:00.265614   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.wpm.portable
I0406 11:03:00.268811   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.word_classifier
I0406 11:03:00.269136   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.word_classifier
I0406 11:03:00.269139   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.word_classifier
I0406 11:03:00.269145   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model.word_classifier
I0406 11:03:00.269186   22156] Checking FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_replace_annotated_punct_words_dash.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269193   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_replace_annotated_punct_words_dash.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269195   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_replace_annotated_punct_words_dash.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269200   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_replace_annotated_punct_words_dash.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269240   22156] Checking FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_fix_ampm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269246   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_fix_ampm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269248   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_fix_ampm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269252   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_fix_ampm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269277   22156] Checking FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_class_denorm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269284   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_class_denorm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269287   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_class_denorm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269291   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_class_denorm.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269358   22156] Checking FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_normalizer.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269363   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./denorm/embedded_normalizer.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269366   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_normalizer.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269369   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/embedded_normalizer.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269407   22156] Checking FileExists: ./denorm/porn_normalizer_on_device.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269413   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./denorm/porn_normalizer_on_device.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269415   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/porn_normalizer_on_device.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269419   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/denorm/porn_normalizer_on_device.mfar
I0406 11:03:00.269465   22156] Checking FileExists: ./acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_model
I0406 11:03:00.269472   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_model
I0406 11:03:00.269475   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_model
I0406 11:03:00.269480   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_model
I0406 11:03:00.269483   22156] Initializing for TENSORFLOW_LITE
I0406 11:03:00.269643   22156] Checking FileExists: ./acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.269650   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.269653   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.269658   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/acousticmodel/MARBLE_DICTATION_EP.endpointer_portable_lstm_mean_stddev
I0406 11:03:00.269678   22156] Checking FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.269683   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.269686   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.269691   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.269694   22156] Initializing for TENSORFLOW_LITE
I0406 11:03:00.269802   22156] Checking FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_meanstddev_vector
I0406 11:03:00.269808   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_meanstddev_vector
I0406 11:03:00.269811   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_meanstddev_vector
I0406 11:03:00.269816   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_acoustic_meanstddev_vector
I0406 11:03:00.269832   22156] Checking FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_vocabulary.syms
I0406 11:03:00.269836   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_vocabulary.syms
I0406 11:03:00.269839   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_vocabulary.syms
I0406 11:03:00.269844   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_vocabulary.syms
I0406 11:03:00.271909   22156] Checking FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.271918   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.271921   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.271925   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/magic_mic/MARBLE_V2_model.int8.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.273563   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_0.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.273572   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_0.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.273575   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_0.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.273580   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_0.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.273582   22156] Initializing for PLAIN_TENSORFLOW_LITE
I0406 11:03:00.279180   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_1.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.279198   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_1.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.279201   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_1.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.279207   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-encoder.part_1.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.279209   22156] Initializing for PLAIN_TENSORFLOW_LITE
I0406 11:03:00.297939   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.decoder.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.297966   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.decoder.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.297971   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.decoder.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.297980   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.decoder.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.297984   22156] Initializing for PLAIN_TENSORFLOW_LITE
I0406 11:03:00.304153   22156] Checking FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.joint.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.304173   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.joint.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.304176   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.joint.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.304181   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/endtoendmodel/marble_rnnt_model-rnnt.joint.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.304184   22156] Initializing for PLAIN_TENSORFLOW_LITE
I0406 11:03:00.305925   22156] Checking FileExists: ./voice_match/MARBLE_speakerid.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.305935   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./voice_match/MARBLE_speakerid.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.305937   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/voice_match/MARBLE_speakerid.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.305941   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/voice_match/MARBLE_speakerid.tflite
I0406 11:03:00.309580   22156] Initialized ResourceManager.
I0406 11:03:00.309700   22156] Initialized GoogleRecognizer.
I0406 11:03:00.309708   22156] ContextModuleFactory: Initializing ContextModule.
I0406 11:03:00.309824   22156] Checking FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/apps.txt
I0406 11:03:00.309837   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/apps.txt
I0406 11:03:00.309842   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/apps.txt
I0406 11:03:00.309847   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/apps.txt
I0406 11:03:00.309888   22156] Checking FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_car_automation.action.union_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.309894   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_car_automation.action.union_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.309897   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_car_automation.action.union_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.309902   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_car_automation.action.union_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.328810   22156] Checking FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/contacts.txt
I0406 11:03:00.328837   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/contacts.txt
I0406 11:03:00.328842   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/contacts.txt
I0406 11:03:00.328866   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/contacts.txt
I0406 11:03:00.329062   22156] Checking FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/songs.txt
I0406 11:03:00.329071   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/songs.txt
I0406 11:03:00.329073   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/songs.txt
I0406 11:03:00.329077   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/songs.txt
I0406 11:03:00.329116   22156] Checking FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_top_radio_station_frequencies_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329122   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_top_radio_station_frequencies_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329125   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_top_radio_station_frequencies_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329143   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_top_radio_station_frequencies_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329230   22156] Checking FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_manual_fixes_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329238   22156] Not Found FileExists: ./context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_manual_fixes_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329240   22156] Checking FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_manual_fixes_STD_FST.fst
I0406 11:03:00.329244   22156] Found FileExists: ./SODAModels/context_prebuilt/en-US_android-auto_manual_fixes_STD_FST.fst
W0406 11:03:00.329525   22156] SODA could not build Hotquery Matcher.
W0406 11:03:00.329545   22156] TISID disabled.
I0406 11:03:00.329572   22156] Domain: CAPTION
I0406 11:03:00.330211   22156] ContextModule starts to provide model resources: 2021-04-06T11:03:00.33021148+08:00
I0406 11:03:00.330333   22156] ContextModule finished providing model resources : 2021-04-06T11:03:00.330333605+08:00 elapsed: 122.125us
I0406 11:03:00.336258   22156] Resetting Terse Processor
I0406 11:03:00.336319   22156] Cancelling session.
W0406 11:03:00.336492   22176] Exiting due to stream cancellation.
W0406 11:03:00.336942   22156] Acoustic ep reader thread cancelled.
I0406 11:03:00.337181   22156] Setup completed
I0406 11:03:00.337196   22156] Server ASR Disabled
I0406 11:03:00.337201   22156] Initializing audio logger
W0406 11:03:00.337240   22156] SODA session starting (require_hotword:0, hotword_timeout_in_millis:0, trigger_type:TRIGGER_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, hybrid_asr_config.mode:MODE_DEFAULT)
I0406 11:03:00.337380   22156] Session parameters updated. Reconfiguring SODA.
W0406 11:03:00.337562   22157] SODA stopped processing audio, mics audio processed in millis: 0, loopback audio processed in millis: 0
I0406 11:03:00.337794   22157] Resetting Terse Processor
I0406 11:03:00.337804   22157] Cancelling session.
W0406 11:03:00.337817   22157] SODA session stopped due to: STOP_CALLED
I0406 11:03:00.337855   22158] Soda session stopped due to: STOP_CALLED
W0406 11:03:00.360020   22156] Deleting soda_impl

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/08/2021 at 15:25 point

Hi Ben, Welcome to hackaday! You got all the steps correct, except for the final thing: you need to patch the library to skip the API key and call stack verifications. I've added some extra info in the git issue you posted with this same question.

Also please trim down your other post with the log output? It makes the rest of the discussions difficult to find. Good luck with the patching, and don't hesitate to follow up in the git issue if needed!

  Are you sure? yes | no

am009 wrote 01/24/2021 at 05:26 point

It's such a awesome experience to try following such a great project !!!

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/27/2021 at 16:07 point


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Victor Sklyar wrote 05/19/2020 at 13:07 point

I replaced with russian model.

But result of work without spaces.


  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 05/20/2020 at 11:56 point

That's odd. But yeah, it was never meant to work like this at all, so every model that works at least a bit is already a bonus.

  Are you sure? yes | no

AIFanatic wrote 05/10/2020 at 07:25 point

I have done some analysis and posted my findings here

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 05/10/2020 at 11:32 point

Very impressive! I'm setting up an android-x86 env on my machine at the moment, so the frida scripts will come in very handy (have no experience with that yet).

In the you mention the unknown function of the *_mean_stdev files, they are very likely the input normalizations of the models.

Although my main focus in this project is the SODA approach for now, I'll be keeping a close eye on your git repo for sure!

  Are you sure? yes | no

theafien wrote 05/10/2020 at 12:22 point

excellent job, will help a lot in the future.  I will learn tensorflow in the future.  so it will be easier to understand some files.

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Jude Ashly wrote 04/04/2020 at 23:20 point

Any updates.. ?

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/05/2020 at 12:51 point

Not much, creating a java app that links with the lib and just reads the language pack as a whole still seems the most viable route to me, but i don't have spare hardware to work on this.

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Jude Ashly wrote 04/14/2020 at 20:50 point

I found out a x86 bit version of the google speech library, will that be of any use to you?

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/15/2020 at 15:51 point

I think I found the x86_64 lib in gboard or maybe it was some google search app as well, but they are linked against the bionic clib and don't work on plain linux. I'm starting to think it is easiest to keep most of the Recorder app in tact, and try to capture the strings it writes to the GUI using something like frida and have that pass it to something like MQTT. But again, i need some arm hardware for that which i don't atm.

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Jude Ashly wrote 03/06/2020 at 20:57 point

Have you tried using libhybris to Port it to raspberry pi ?

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 03/08/2020 at 17:14 point

Did not yet, but it looks very promising if it does what it says it does! Gonna try that this week. Thanks!

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 03/09/2020 at 09:37 point

Well that turned out to be quite a rabbit hole..

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theafien wrote 10/17/2019 at 17:49 point

Today I put my country (Brazil) model from Google App in Google Recorder, and this works fine. The engine is same.

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 10/18/2019 at 07:10 point

You mean the pixel 4 recorder app, with offline dictation? To my best recollection the Google App uses online dictation, could you check?

  Are you sure? yes | no

theafien wrote 10/18/2019 at 13:12 point

Google App in anothers devices (i dont know pixel device) manager offline dictations. The Gboard (not pixel) use Google App Intent to works offline recognizer speech.

Whats I Do

I take brazilian model from Google App and replace lp_en_us, this works fine.

  Are you sure? yes | no

Mike Tran wrote 03/27/2020 at 03:17 point

Hi @theafien, I'm trying to do the same thing as you did for Brazilian model with Google Recorder app but for other language. Could you please show us more detail how you did it with Brazilian model? When you said "replace lp_en_us", what it means?

Huge thanks in advance.

  Are you sure? yes | no

ha wrote 04/02/2020 at 14:08 point

1. get APKs

  - Google Recorder (
  - Google App (
3. unpack APKs
  - for example with ApkStudio:

4. get language files
  - in the unpacked Google App you find URLs in:
  - for example Spanish: 
5. place downloaded file and checksum into unpacked Recorder
  - calculate the md5 checksum of and save it in lp_en_us_checksum.md5    
  - rename to
  - replace and lp_en_us_checksum.md5 with your new ones in folder res/raw of unpacked
5. (if not on google pixel) patch Recorder
  - in ApkStudio:
      - open: smali/com/google/android/apps/recorder/ui/application/RecorderApplication.smali
      - replace "" with "android.hardware.microphone"
6. build + sign + deploy

  Are you sure? yes | no

Mike Tran wrote 04/03/2020 at 20:20 point

Thanks a lot @ha . i will try your instruction right way.

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Victor Sklyar wrote 04/08/2019 at 09:10 point

any news?..

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biemster wrote 04/08/2019 at 18:42 point

I'm struggling with the inputs to the models. I suspect the mean and standard deviation of the inputs used during training are in the file "input_mean_stddev", which I presume is a hashtable_lookup binary considering the file starts with 0a and this corresponds to that OP entry in the tensorflow lite flatbuffer schema.

I did not figure out yet how to import and read this input_mean_stddev file however, and brute forcing the normalization of the inputs also did not yield results yet unfortunately..

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罗国强 wrote 04/08/2019 at 22:05 point

the contents of input_mean_stddev:

file starts with a 3 byte header [0a c0 07], followed by 240 little-endian float values. this is followed by another 3 byte header [12 c0 07], followed by another 240 floats.

ep_mean_stddev is similar:

a 3 byte header  [0a a0 01] followed by 40 little-endian floats. another 3 byte header [12 a0 01] followed by another 40-little endian floats.

i hope this helps!

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 04/09/2019 at 08:16 point

@罗国强: Awesome!! that helps really a lot! It's like walking around with your eyes closed for weeks, and suddenly remembering how to open them :)

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Victor Sklyar wrote 06/10/2019 at 08:31 point

still nothing? :(

  Are you sure? yes | no

biemster wrote 06/10/2019 at 16:27 point

work got in the way.. Almost all the obfuscated stuff is done though, it is just a matter of feeding the correct frequency domain energies to the model, be it plain FFT or Mel-log stuff. The _stddev files show the averages of those values, all is left is an (educated) brute force approach to get those right. I'd be more than happy to give pointers on how to do that, but unfortunately I do not have the spare time to dive into this myself at the moment. Maybe in a couple weeks, but I can't promise anything.

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biemster wrote 06/14/2019 at 19:40 point

Also i just found a new version of the model. It has the same endpointer, but a much larger joint and slightly different encoders and decoder.

But most interestingly the dictation.config is a lot larger, so first thing for me in this project is to dissect this new config file. I hope there are some more clues as to how to feed the audio to the models.

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罗国强 wrote 03/22/2019 at 12:26 point

Awesome work.

Please consider mirroring the original apk and language files.

If the offline recogniser is as good as stated in the blog, google will try to further protect, by changing the crypto or introducing other measures.

  Are you sure? yes | no

parameter.pollution wrote 03/22/2019 at 14:32 point

I doubt that they are going to try to obfuscate the current version more, since it's already out. But just in case I have uploaded the original files here:!D5p1AQyQ!ZPpKdTpooHYNE3gl2EHJQA

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theafien wrote 10/23/2019 at 13:49 point

@parameter.pollution whats you used to deobfuscate apk?

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biemster wrote 10/23/2019 at 14:55 point

@theafien the apk was not obfuscated, just the tflite model files. They were XORed with 0x1a.

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theafien wrote 10/23/2019 at 15:00 point

@biemster im testing the engine .so files and classes (google recorder), to rely in my applications.

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biemster wrote 10/24/2019 at 07:52 point

@theafien you mean you're trying to just link against the whole speech recognizer lib? Than would be awesome if it works, although I don't know of any examples that manages such a feat with any of the android native libraries.. But don't let that discourage you, I'm far from an expert in android.

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theafien wrote 10/24/2019 at 12:13 point

@biemster Im already able use the libs, just need understand some elements (like GoogleEndPoint) and some protobuf parameters. Im getting events from lib.

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biemster wrote 10/24/2019 at 12:30 point

@theafien I find that really impressive! Do you see any chance to share your progress? I assume you're running it on ARM, like Raspberry Pi or so? If the latter, that would open up tons of possibilities to trace and reverse engineer this!

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theafien wrote 10/24/2019 at 14:46 point

@biemster I'll separate the code later. I'm running in my phone arm64 (but i have lib x86 too) and using Google Recorder as base.

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biemster wrote 03/22/2019 at 17:14 point

I'm a bit worried too that future models, or maybe even just language updates, will be better protected/obfuscated. Let's not turn this project into a turnkey solution by also providing the tflite models directly, and credit the google research team where credit is due.

I doubt that they will put up the expense to overhaul their model distribution system to stop small projects like this (fingers crossed).

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Victor Sklyar wrote 08/08/2019 at 09:04 point

so... does it mean that is all?

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biemster wrote 08/08/2019 at 14:31 point

@Victor Sklyar still on hold, but this will be first project when i have time again.

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parameter.pollution wrote 03/20/2019 at 13:40 point

I had the same idea and decided to google it first and found your project page.
Just to be sure I have an apk that actually contains all the code used by this new speech recognition, I decided to pull the gboard apk from my pixel 2 directly and then I decompiled and deobfuscated the apk with apk deguard (from eth zürich) and this is the result:

It's quite readable java code (though not all class/function/variable names are useful of course),  but the bad news is that all the interesting functions seem to point to native library functions ( "nativeInitFromProto()" is in "").

I'll fire up a few static binary analysis tools and see if I can get something useful out of it and I'll let you know when I do (but it's a ~20MB arm binary....., so I am not very optimistic with the reverse engineering skills I have).

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biemster wrote 03/20/2019 at 20:12 point

Awesome, nice work! That is a lot more readable than the smali files apktool is giving me. Keep me posted on your progress!

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parameter.pollution wrote 03/21/2019 at 19:05 point

Great work with the XOR!

I first tried decompilation with radare2 + cutter, but since the library files are so big it struggled. So I decided to try it with Ghidra (disassembler/decompiler the NSA recently released) and it handeled it very well.

I have uploaded the decompilation (C code; created with Ghidra) results of the 2 library files I think could contain code we are looking for here:!D5p1AQyQ!ZPpKdTpooHYNE3gl2EHJQA
But it's a LOT of code. And these libraries were originally written in C++ and this is the result of decompilation to C, so that makes it even less readable.

But there are strings of error messages in there that point to a google internal library called "greco3" and I found this google blogpost that references it:
So "greco3" might be the library they use for the fft/filterbank/... audio preprocessing stuff that you found in the protobuf file.

The JNI functions that are called by the java code can be found in the decompiled code by searching for functions that start with "Java_com_", e.g. "Java_com_google_speech_recognizer_ResourceManager_nativeInitFromProto" (in "libintegrated_shared_object.so_ghidra-decompiled.c"). But reading the code gets confusing really fast. So for actually jumping around in the code it's probably better to just load and analyze the library files with Ghidra.

I'll try to decompile it to C++, but again, am not very optimistic that it will work well.

Maybe the better approach is to try to implement the preprocessing functions based on what their names suggest they do, but that's probably a bruteforce approach and could take a while.

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biemster wrote 03/22/2019 at 09:18 point

The greco3 lib and ResourceManager was exactly what I was searching for too, since the ascii_proto does not give info what to feed the inputs of the networks. The audio preprocessing looks quite straightforward from the config file indeed, with 25 ms samples and 80 channels in the frequency domain between 125 and 7500 Hz. It seems that I should just feed the nets with the energies in these channels, and since the input of the first encoder is 240 in length, I should stack 3 frames from the filter bank? Something like that.

After that it will probably be a lot of brute forcing indeed, since I don't know yet which network comes next and how. Should I follow the diagram from the blog, and feed the output of the enc0 to the joint, or should the output go to enc1 according to the dictation.config diagram?

Also, I have to figure out which model is the softmax layer. I guess that is the dec, but the blog post calls the Prediction Layer the decoder..

And then the output of the softmax layer has to be translated to characters. I have a suspicion that this is done using OpenFST, a finite state transducer. This package shows up in some git commits, and the abbreviation FST shows up a few times in this context in the config file.

Still some work ahead!

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parameter.pollution wrote 03/24/2019 at 20:52 point

It took quite some time and trial&error, but I managed to also decompile the binary to C with the retdec decompiler (though only the 32 bit arm binary, not the original from my pixel which was 64 bit arm, because retdec only supports 32bit arm right now).

I think it's a little bit easier to read, but didn't have time yet to take a closer look if we can find the infos we are looking for in there.

(uploaded as "libintegrated_shared_object.so_retdec-decompiled.c" to the same folder as the other files:!D5p1AQyQ!ZPpKdTpooHYNE3gl2EHJQA )

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