USB link, a first version
08/21/2014 at 06:42 • 0 commentsAs it turns out, making a stable USB link is not as easy as it might look. I would like to emulate a mouse with the pic18f4550, I am still seachring how ! In the mean time, I am using the HID library in Mikroc for Pic which simplifies everything !
Actually, I am able to send data through the usb port ... getting in the right track ! -
Basic principle
08/19/2014 at 07:43 • 0 commentsWhat happens when you touch the surface ?
- The mechanical energy propagates inside the material
The energy wave arrives at the different sensors at time t1, t2 and t3.
How can the piezo find out where the finger landed ?
- Using the time of flight :
The only problem is that you cannot determine t1 as there is no t=0s origin.
If there was a way to find t1, you would only need two piezo.
The only information we can find are the time differences. But that's more than enough because every time difference describes a hyperbola which goes through the point where the energy wave came from. The intersection between the 3 hyperbolas that can be drawn gives you an unique point : the origin of the energy wave. -
Analog signal processing
08/19/2014 at 07:19 • 0 commentsThe signal comming from a piezo is really uneven. First of all in order to be able to compare the signals, they need to have some similarities. I
found that the signal is almost a sinewave (with decreasing amplitude). Here is a screenshot of my (little) oscilloscope :
My idea was to rectify the signal so that I only have to care about amplitude.
I used a rectifying bridge (Gretz Bridge) in order to do that.
What a noisy signal !After passing it through an amplifier and an RS latch :
Now we are talking ! -
USB Communication and calculations
08/19/2014 at 07:07 • 0 commentsIn order to calculate where the finger touched the surface, I needed a powerful enough microcontroller. It also had to support USB in order to be able to communicate to a computer. I am planning to emulate an HID mouse with the microcontroller. I had a PIC18F4550 lying around with seems to fit to the requirements : it supports USB and has plenty of RAM !
But I cannot connect the piezos directly to the microcontroller, I first need to process the signals and make them a little more readable ! -
Maths and Electronics are done !
07/21/2014 at 07:50 • 0 commentsFinaly the maths behind everything are done. Electronics are also done but I am planning to change the whole thing, the second version is in progress.