
Pajamas micro Laser Engraver

CNC test build for super small desktop Pick & Place or Laser, no custom parts, just standard components, I am building in sleepwear

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Why Is it small???
- I have small desk
- 20cm extrusions + linear rails are cheap. For testing it not eat much money

What is special ??
- almost no tools required or drilling
- core-XZ (H-bot version) for movements, both motors fixed, fast&light gantry
- You can mount MGN7 linear rail directly on MGN9 carriage, but you need enlarge
holes on MGN7 rail because they are 2.5mm and on carriage is M3 holle.
It was the only one time that I need to change clothes and use drill in garage.

More pictures on my personal page go to LASER ENGRAVING

Vector mode:

Scan mode:

Now testing:

  • 3,5W blue laser or maybe 2W how I can trust Chinese label?
  • Cut 3mm Acrylic 2 pass 10mm/min
  • Cut 3mm Plywood 2 pass 200mm/min
  • Engraving on any speed, you can adjust how many smoke you need in room
  • working area 110mm x 135mm
  • H-bot gantry movements

I am satisfied :)

Gift boxes optimized for diode laser

x-zip-compressed - 364.01 kB - 05/26/2019 at 21:26


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jackantubis wrote 10/31/2019 at 14:16 point

Nice, where do you find your red shield ? thanks

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Andy wrote 05/09/2019 at 05:06 point

Interesting project :)

Just for the information, what is the price of this device, if it's not a secret. Are you going to publish some contraction plans? 

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bobricius wrote 05/09/2019 at 05:51 point

My wife must never know! around 100-300$ hard to say I ordered many parts form various aliexpress sellers, I am not sure if I use all, some parts I have form old project. I thing is cheaper to buy some chinese kit. My solution is more compact, on linear rails, and I can cheaply replace any part. The main advantage is that it is a compact cube that will soon will also have side walls and exhaust smell outside. I do not have any plan I just sat down 2-3 evenings in pajamas on the floor tried as what fits together.

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Jonathan wrote 05/12/2019 at 06:09 point


I have tested one of chose Chinese kit you can buy on eBay for 250$ with 2,5w and 5w laser and i had similar result. I just bought a carbon filter with a good fan to avoid the smeel in the room ;-)

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Vincent wrote 04/30/2019 at 20:11 point

That is really cool stuff!! 

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