1some more dribbl
the fun begins
step by step on how to build the black raven Rutan class series of space planes. first off going down this long hard road is not something for the faint of hart the casual dabbler this type of project is most suited for someone's who built something like a kit airplane or a large ocean going sailboat or a couple of houses or restored a few cars or at least builds and fly's remote control aircraft not saying these are any kind of requirements or being some kind of rocket scientist I don't think there necessary but a solid will and fortitude would be a must when building experimental space craft with a empathies on experimental with a big X at onetime I pondered going the crowed funding rout but for this type of project it didn't seem like the right thing to do there so many risks and variables involved just the amount of time alone and what could I offer as a reward for pledges a free ride to space right plus you get all types of crazy's screaming for instant satisfaction for there one dollar investment .kickstarter and indigogo are full of rip-offs plus they censored my ass on a book project no if im going to fleece anybody and raid there pocket's it needs to be the good old government any government so I thought about doing the darpa rout good old darpa the wizard's of destruction the masters of mayhem but wait a second hold on one dam minute there part of the reason we want to get the hell out of dodge in the first place are all these dam crazies going around killing each other and thinking up new and exciting ways to end the world in the name of national defense. hears one thought for darpa the ultimate weapon to end all weapons if achieved there would be no more use for darpa what is it its not even a weapon at all its superluminal flight if they put all there resources in that one goal and came up with the goods we could have our own dam American planet or some dumb ass cammie world and the list of other fringe groups can go on and on from there to infinity . no I think I do better alone without a lot of outside distractions but im willing to collaborate and share ideals like right hear . so im thinking what is the best way to get this spaceplane built so I thought you could start a club a space club so I started pondering that ideal and the ramifications and came up with one of the deadliest scariest ideals yet so bad I had a essay written up on it or a manifesto depending on your sensibility's and destroyed it but for a group of brave souls wanting to conduct open source space operations you may want to hear some of the watered down version of ideals. first off my disclaimer im not starting any kind of dam club I don't want to be In any kind of dam club unless there's hot women and beer involved also don't send me any club money I will just spend it on carbon fiber and beer also my space club ideals are for off world use only also I am not internally trying to disparage any person or group as per hackaday io rules but the only way to try to convey some of these ideals is to try and give a comparison or analogy between a space based system and what I would call fatal flaws or system failures in our government our society and in corporations. so how to start off delicately carefully logically don't hurt anyone's feelings do you think our great president Donald trump gets his feeling hurt every day every hour he's human being to and who are these nay sayers what gives them the right where's there moral authority very few people in history have been attacked with such venom and vigor from all sides and every angle over partisan politics so in a space club the rude behavior that we see from our esteemed role models shouldn't be tolerated one bit in a offworld society where one bad apple could very easily kill every one and doom whatever endeavors underway so what ways can you safeguard not repeating the same cycle of tribal warfare on one level or another or at least within your immediate group. also when I say space club its a different type of club it would be considered a hybrid corporation and government more than a club so how can you have something that is open source where anyone can join ,buy in sign up participate and not have never ending warfare and anarchy. how can you keep a group of dedicated builders from being compromised by say the rich and powerful the moneyed up if you will or the out rite criminal element or a bunch of dead beat self entitled or a rouge faction trying to do a hostile takeover or takedown first at some point you need founding fathers or mothers a constitution or charter that has all the rules to play by in thinking about this I wanted one thing democracy no not our bullshit fake democracy not a delegated bought and payed for democracy but a true real pure tec democracy here's a dangerous bad word pure crypto democracy. what is a crypto democracy a system of direct voting and governance using the same block chain technology as in bit coin but with accurse more checks and balances and validation methods . so you have a system of secure voting and governance noticed I said governance in this system the participants are in direct control of the system instead of say electing a crooked senator and hope that he or she does your bidding like that really happens of course you will still need some administrators but these will be more like hired hands able to be replaced in a moments notice if they don't fulfill exaptation's there contract or violate the charter or constitution unlike the said pompous ass senators who are put up on a pedestal as some kind of all knowing savvier in a spaced based system the resources spent on what amounts to hundreds of to bit petty dictators cant be wasted. in space and offworld colonies decisions need to be made clear decisively and on a timely bases. ok but what about the jokers trying to game the system you know that's going to happen its human nature you have to take that in account. ok I will try to tread lightly on this subject in the united states everyone's vote suppose to count suppose to be equal but is that really fair take for example letting felons vote in mass like recently in new York is that fair to honest citizens who contribute to society and does that degrade the system even more or for example new arrivals whether legal or not why should there vote count as much as say a person who's served there country most of there life is this really a fair system I think not its a generalized method that hopes for the best. but only achieves mediocre results under the best of circumstances in a pure crypto democracy im proposing a system similar to credit rating or Chinas social rating system but one that cant be gamed by commes. where someone's citizenship or voter points are determined by things like participation conduct productivity basically what you contribute to the club where birthright and money are not the automatic in. I could go in to a lot more detail on this subject for quit a few more pages and seriously piss off a lot of people both lefty's and righty's but I will leave it here for now the main point hear is for people who want to get involved in a open source space plane project but don't want to go it alone can form some type of group and maybe work together collaborate share ideals and get the job done without being greedy evil bastards.
- 2 lets build
so you decided to build a space plane either your going lone wolf or going to do a group effort you have to be realistic as far as your resources and money available the big ticket item a jet engine what ever engine you end up with you build your bird around so research research . everything written here so far in my descriptions page updates and iges files are all just a basic descriptions and specification's and concepts before you start building airframes and sinking money you need more validation models and more sound engineering if I had a shit load of money I would be flying some more fine-tuned scale models and have a manned orbital space plane flying by now or probably be very dead by now. but that should not stop you from doing the parts scrounging and gathering up of raw materials in the up coming week and months I will be dusting off some more cad models doing some fine tuning and some more amateur engineering to where I can get to a point to start building my next validation prototype. something bigger than my silver raven helicopter drop test model or what's left of it and smaller than a lite plane with the folding wing pack. also note if you ever looked at some of my sketches of the large cargo carrying space planes those where designed to be 3d printed in space by a space station/3d printer with a built in gravity ring centrifuge these beasts where designed to be printed in space and drop heavy loads on mars or titan I called them martin wales they had a finer entry on there nose that reminded me of wales and where strait drop gliders I started thinking about that setup and going the 3d printing route back when the first 3d printer kits started selling but since then huge advances have been made in 3d printing when I was thinking space printers it was mostly for autonomous and robotic building purposes but now with advanced carbon fiber printers on line and other huge format printers printing high end materials and I know of two of but there could be many more start up company's wanting to print space structures one was doing tanks and possibly rockets and the other space habitats I want to start looking a little closer at adapting the black raven to be more 3d print friendly the outer fuselage sections and top aero cover and possibly center fuselage frames would be prime candidate's plus a lot of other parts I already printed a few small scale parts i just need a big ass printer and better materials the ultimate outcome for this project will be a proven validated ship with sound engineering open source cad models and blue prints and alternative models and methods of construction it would be nice to be able to buy reasonably priced spaceship sections 3d printed and put together like a giant model airplane kit.
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