as stated in the description this is a ongoing project from last year that I have been working on for a number of years so I will start up the new contest where I left off and be discussing what I been up to as discussed earlier I have been looking at this project from many different angles one of which was to find some interested party's in the aviation sector basically anyone anybody that would care to give some of there input on the subject not that I was expecting much or anything but you never know till you try. you cant win the lottery till you buy a ticket and in most cases that's exactly how the world works its not so much the ideal or design but who presents it to whom at the right time and under the right circumstances that hard reality is a fact of life that I learned decades ago so for the average folk like you and me its a long hard lonely road to try to advance any project let alone one this monumental or this far in to the crackpot zone. you can look at the aviation pioneer Vincent bearineli who I give homage to for this design hardly anybody knows his name even though every plane we fly in has his design's and patents in it. that he never enforced or had the funds to hire lawyers to get composition from the major aircraft manufactures. just one thought in a alternant realty if his lifting body fuselage designs would have prevailed over the round body designs which are cheaper and easier to build 100s thousands or more people would have had a better chance for survival having aircraft with a better engine out glide ratio and takeoff and landing at 50mph or less. than taking off and landing at 200mph and if the engines go out on the currant type your most likely dead. this is a early and continuing example of corporate greed and a system where your life does actually have a price on it . so I wasn't expecting much help or input from this sector frankly I am surprised if anybody answers any of my e mails under any circumstances for anything. but I said what the hell all it costs is computer time so I spent somewhere around 5 or 6 months doing research off and on. on pretty much every aviation aerospace company every aviation affiliated corporation every space startup on the planet. I looked at the history the corporate structure the products. who are the players the contacts the contracts. I started and planed my PR campaign like a military operation thinking maybe I will get a hit. but going through the process all the research I did on the subject finding various company's that I never knew existed and what and how some of these entities operated and where doing was way more valuable than the original task basically learning the currant state of the art and corporate climate in overview for the entire world aerospace industry. and I know I probably missed a few this research is still ongoing. so I sent out around 2700 emails a lot where personal tailored to each individual or company then I started sending a bunch of cut and past of different types telling what im doing and was surprised to get some polite replays a very few from individuals from some of the major players in the field most where polite replays sounds interesting thanks for thanking of us. I am shore I could have done a better job at this endeavor with better presentation more persistence and better follow-up I know they have a whole industry devoted for just that task but this is the one man low budget space program. I did get 2 nice very encouraging e mails a little better than the others. and had a good talk with a nasa affiliate that was encouraging. but at the end of the day as stated earlier the research and knowledge gained was more valuable than the results from any inquiry. so at the end of it I got no solid results from this track but that hasn't discouraged me one bit and it shouldn't discourage the other people out there trying to get out there ideals and designs you have to keep on driving on. next I will be talking about my other side track more interesting .
how does a open source space plane, space program benefit humanity well that's a question with a million answers I could write a 300 or 400 page book on just that one question of just the obvious answers and implications but I will try to keep it simple and sort of brief.for part of the hack prize requirements. I actually read some of the rules and fine print which is a rare thing for me what can I say I was bored. also I will try not to offend any one as per hack rules which im very good at I will fake it a bit.after all I have the distinction of having a book banned on kick starter and indigogo not one but three times each it was a dam how to book to. I will leave it at that. ok the benefits first and for most money hard cash sweet beautiful luscious money the dough what makes the world go around but maybe in not the same way your thinking about yell you can make money by hauling junk up to orbit be a delivery boy for nasa like elon musk and get some big tax payers bucks or take some filthy rich bastards for a joy ride and empty out there pockets yell but I am talking about real money im talking money on a interplanetary intergalactic scale type of wealth like own your personal private planet scale of wealth because the one blaring screaming fact about developing a space transport system a space economy is a space based economy has no limits no boundary's and the only rules are the ones that you make. on earth if a nation states economy is not in a continues state of growth it falters then goes into decline think the last recession that wasn't nothing compared to a full blown modern day great depression set off by a few greedy bastards with all the implications that will come with it the modern nuclear hyper corporate media hyper social media warring tribes race factions political ideological groups all at each others throat's society could very easily collapse in to a total war situation going at it from all directions heralding in the new dark ages. when we finely move out of the hood called earth in significant numbers these people will be fully self sufficient self reliant with the same no bullshit don't fu#$% with me attitude that our for fathers had when we landed in America and wiped out the Indians the point I am making for the benefits of a open source space program it gives everyone a chance whether even or not its the reset the reset for humanity of course the space corporations will have the upper hand and be there own government's unto there self surpassing the nation states on earth but I think they will go on making the same dumb ass mistakes as governments do now and all the people who buy in to there bull shit and there descendants will whined up being slaves of some type like everyone reading this now.
the project is still in the works I haven't given up im still working on refining my design and saving up for another test model and also exploring the concept of furthering this morphing wing system further with a combined morphing fuselage where you go from a stol type low altitude aircraft to a hypersonic wave riding fuselage to a reentry vehicle fuselage and back to stol configuration another holy grail on top of having a single stage to orbit space plane I believe this is the direction to go to further the project for a ship to brake orbit my currant published design concept is still very viable and does do some morphing l left out a front spoiler or trim device and details on control surfaces I still have to test going forward with more complex systems and components 3d printing and design will be even more extensive
I been searching through all my hard drives flash drives and sd cards and digging out the goods looking for some of my best space plane works that are worth detailing further in the upcoming weeks and months I will be taking them and cleaning them up finishing them out adding more details and descriptions and explanations and testing some stuff out before I start building the next more detailed validation prototype realizing this is going to take some work im wanting to also hit this project from a few different angels as mentioned earlier with the advances in 3d printing I am going to use what I got so far and start from scratch on a 3d print friendly version from the ground up the advantages to this are many but the big one hear is builders can out source the ideal situation being to buy the harder to build components a piece at a time like a kit plane reducing a lot of fabrication time to assembly so we I looking at this from a lot of different angles how can I fast track this project make it blast off to sort of speak im not getting any younger just getting fatter and I want to break gravity with some hot super models and get in the 369mile high club I got the hang glider harness and bungee chords ready to go alright lets cut the bs and get back to business im not the know it all I don't have all the answers someone out there mite but I doubt it if they do there keeping to there self so where's all the talent well for starters right hear on hackaday i.o looking at all the projects there's a bunch of out right genus's right here so if you look at my projects page I started a parallel space plane project for every body to join in chine in participate you can just go hog wild on it after all space is the new wild wild west so where else can we get some brain farts the aerospace industry otherwise known as the industrial military complex oh shit the star lords going over to the dark side traitor bastard now just hold on one second before you start getting your torches and rope hear me out the industrial military complex where talking about every aircraft aerospace company and all there supporting company's both world wide collectively and individually the bottom line is the hard truth that hardly anyone talks about all these corporations and all the people in them from the stock holders to the ceos to the guy mowing the grass the designers the sectary's the lunch lady are participating in a massive endeavor to kill other human beings alright that's harsh but at the rock bottom line that's the absolute truth this is a massive world wide undertaking where the end result ends up being the whole sale killing of human beings how stupid is that for whatever reason and usually the reason is bull shit these are the serious enablers but have to be considered just as responsible its like if someone robes a bank and kills everyone in the bank the getaway driver gets charged with murder to but when you have thousands of getaway drivers its ok right like then you have hundreds politicians waging tribal warfare does that not spread out the blame I think not so the point im getting at who better to try and co opt turn than these misguided souls use there evil genius that have kept the world one push button away from nuclear Armageddon to finally man up and help humanity but how the hell you plan on doing that these are some serous greedy rotten bastards exactly just point out to them how much more money they can make enabling a open source space economy and that's what I been doing going down the list boeing spacex Grumman lockhed relativity space scaled composites im just getting started think of it like this out of the hundreds of world wide corporations even if none sign on the word will eventfully get out to some employees so say if I get one employee or past employee from even one percent of the world wide system I would be able to rival or surpass even the giants of the aerospace industry why because where not going to turn anyone down everyone can participate
04/27/2018 at 07:32 • 0 comments reentry operations04/19/2018 at 03:50 • 0 comments here's a couple of pics showing the black raven on reentry the first one shows dragging a balute basically a large high temp reinforced balloon that's inflated before reentry creating more aerodynamic drag the second represents skip reentry a type of airo braking technique where you bounce or skip off the atmosphere in stages to reduce heat build up I would like to combine both to try to get the coolest reentry as possible low earth orbit to high earth orbit 04/19/2018 at 03:47 • 0 comments here's a couple of pics of jettisoning cargo pods in low earth orbit or near space the second pic shows how a orbital craft can come in and do a pickup or transfer the orange ball is a balute decelerator for manned pod incase it misses pickup and has to do a hot reentry lets keep moveing up with flight geometry and space operations 04/15/2018 at 06:58 • 0 comments added mars lander igs. lets talk flight geometry 04/14/2018 at 06:33 • 0 comments decals04/09/2018 at 07:37 • 0 comments patches04/09/2018 at 00:41 • 0 comments a brief rundown on flight controls04/08/2018 at 02:56 • 0 comments
lets talk flight controls as can be seen from the cad model this bird uses twin tail fins. that particular tail fin is not the final version I kind of cheesed that one out the details and theory on the tail I am keeping my tails well in board to keep them as cool as possible un like other designs as they have them on the outer edges of the fuselage I made that decision taking the home build nature of the ship in to account the root or base of the tail will house the actuators to move the fin on the final version im using a much larger base which will act as a stationery fin in its self for redundancy in case the moveable fin fails you will still have some stability also im debating on having any camber to the fin like other designs or have a adjustable system im using two split panels on top and bottom for altitude control with smaller trim tabs on outer edges lets go back to the tail for a minute as said im using a canard wind pack these canards usually don't employ a traditional rear tail as the dual wing acts as the attitude control this has caused problems in some canard planes with uncontrollable unrecoverable spin with the heavy fuel hauling nature of the bird I was pondering having a extendable tail and fin system on a retractable boom so that it extends out the back of the ship and retracts either under the wing pact fairing or on top in its currant position a boom system could tie in with the wing pact rail but were talking a lot of extra weight these options can be explored in fight test scale models but im leaning to keep it simple and lite lets talk in orbit flight control most space craft use a thruster system small reaction rockets built in to the ship in different areas to move the ship in differing directions some have quit a few plumed in all over the bird and in some places that could cause problems on reentry my proposal would be a thruster system mounted on a retractable boom possibly the air to air refueling boom or a robot arm the advantage is it can be retracted under the wing pact fairing for protection you can use fewer thrusters easer to repair replace and maintain but most of all weight savings. think the early space walkers had a hand held thruster system to move around with before they came up with there fancy jet pack