
HestiaPi Touch - Open Smart Thermostat

Open source hardware smart thermostat for your home.

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HestiaPi Touch is a completely open source smart thermostat for your home. With it, you can monitor your home’s temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. You can also control your heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water, and more from anywhere you have an Internet connection. You can do all this securely and with confidence your private data stays private. HestiaPi Touch is compatible with many devices and home automation systems and can serve as a central point of control that ties them all together in your home.

About HestiaPi Touch

HestiaPi Touch is a completely open source smart thermostat for your home with emphasis on the user's privacy.

All digital files and information are available below and our main website.

With it, you can monitor your home’s temperature, relative humidity, and atmospheric pressure. You can also control your heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water, and more from anywhere you have an Internet connection. You can do all this securely and with confidence your private data stays private. HestiaPi Touch is compatible with many devices and home automation systems and can serve as a central point of control that ties them all together in your home.

For future reference all the latest info will first be published on our Github wiki so keep checking there too.

Previous model

HestiaPi Touch is the result from the feedback we got from our previous successful instructable. So this may be the reason the name may sound familiar ;).

Crowdfunding campaign

HestiaPi will be running a crowdfunding campaign till the 2nd of July to fund the latest model offering all latest features and it is already 100% funded! Your support will mean a lot to the open source community fighting against consumerism giants. Please use this link:

Printing the Case

Printing the case really depends on your own printer but here are some basic guidelines that you can adjust accordingly.


Download the latest set of .STL files from our Github here.


Choose a filament that stays rigid enough in the max temperature your house may reach on a hot Summer day without the AC on :)

We use nGen filament for this reason but also because it prints easily and reliably.


Layer Height 0.2 mm

Wall Thickness 1.5 mm

Top Thickness 1 mm

Bottom Thickness 1 mm

Cover specific settings

Orientation: Print with face down

Generate Support CHECKED

Support Placement Touching Buildplate

Support Overhang Angle 60° (to avoid supporting chamfers)

Base specific settings

Orientation: Print with wall side down

Generate Support UNCHECKED

Wall Installation

HestiaPi's case comes in 2 parts. The backplate that goes
to the wall and should not be visible and the front cover. The backplate should have 4 small holes, 4 larger holes and an opening for the wires coming from the wall.

If you bought HestiaPi, all necessary screws are included. Otherwise you would need:

    4 x 2.5Mx25mm hex screws
    4 x 2.5M hex nuts
    4 x 3.5Mx40mm non-countersunk screws
Place the hex screws through the 4 small holes entering from the side facing the wall. Secure them in the hex slot and make sure they are sit flush. Remove the LCD from the PCB and insert the PCB alone guiding the 4 screws through the 4 corner holes of the Pi and secure with the nuts. Avoid using a large tool. You can simply tighten them by hand. Don't overtighten.

With the remaining 4 larger holes mark your wall and drill according to the location of the wires. The opening of the backplate should match the location of the wires. Secure the backplate and PCB with the 4 larger screws.

Complete wiring according to your model instructions.

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3D file for case's back plate

sla - 533.48 kB - 05/31/2019 at 07:45



3D file for case's cover

sla - 257.60 kB - 05/31/2019 at 07:45


Gerber file for PCB

Zip Archive - 17.37 kB - 05/31/2019 at 07:43


  • 1 × BME BME280, output signal Digital Signal; power supply 3.3-5.5V DC
  • 1 × K1 – Hot Water Relay OMRON PCB Power Relay – G5LE contact rating 125VAC @ 10 AMP / 30VDC @ 8 AMP; switching circuit SPDT; packag
  • 1 × R2 1.2kΩ Resistor tolerance ±5%; package 1206 [SMD]; resistance 1.2kΩ
  • 1 × J1 RaspberryPi Zero or Zero W Any version
  • 1 × K2 – Heating Relay OMRON PCB Power Relay – G5LE contact rating 125VAC @ 10 AMP / 30VDC @ 8 AMP; switching circuit SPDT; package

View all 12 components

  • No more slow LCD [VIDEO]

    gulliverrr06/21/2019 at 07:36 0 comments

    One of the popular requests has always been the LCD UI. The LCD UI so far has been very sluggish due to the fact that we use the HABPanel. HABPanel is an addon of openHAB that allows easy UI modifications but on the other hand it is very heavy for our little Pi Zero CPU-wise.

    So we removed it and redesigned a new UI for the LCD (the phone app UI stays the same). It is based on pure HTML, CSS and Javascript and talks to openHAB via MQTT over websockets. We had to compile our own mosquitto server as the standard Raspbian package does not support websockets yet.
    We built a little proof-of-concept UI with just 2 buttons adjusting the temperature setpoint and from another tablet we observed the speed the change is propagated. The results prove us right on deciding to go that way.

    complete post

  • HestiaPi + ESP = <3

    gulliverrr06/14/2019 at 16:26 0 comments

    So you’ve heard us brag about being open and all that, but how does this really help you? In this update you will see how easy it is to add a wireless relay without being tied to a specific vendor.

    Crowdfunding campaign has still a few days left and is already more than 100% funded!

    Please back our project!

    Sonoff Socket talks to HestiaPi

    So the idea is to add a wireless relay contact anywhere in your house that will be fully integrated with your HestiaPi installation, and will accept commands from your phone or follow automated rules from HestiaPi itself. The relay contact can control almost any electrical device like lights, air conditioning units, pet feeders, or garden sprinklers. For this example we will use the cheap Sonoff socket, but any ESP-based module like NodeMCU or ESP8266/ESP32 will work exactly the same.

    Programming Tasmota

    First and most important, you will need to load your ESP with Tasmota. Tasmota unlocks a great range of functionality including MQTT support. All info and instructions are in the above link, including some of the important steps copied below.

    Configure Wi-Fi

    Tasmota provides a wireless access point for easy Wi-Fi configuration.

    WiFi manager for easy provisioning

    Connect your device to a power source and grab your smartphone (or tablet or laptop or any other web and Wi-Fi capable device). Search for a Wi-Fi AP named sonoff-xxxx (where x is a number) and connect to it. In this example the Wi-Fi AP is named sonoff-7718.

    Wi-Fi manager server is active for only 3 minutes. If you miss the window you might have to disconnect your device from power and reconnect.

    After you have connected to the Tasmota Wi-Fi AP open in a web browser. Most devices will prompt you to sign in to Wi-Fi network which should also open the above address.

    WiFi manager for easy provisioning

    At this page enter the following:

    AP1 SSid – your Wi-Fi network name

    SSID’s are case sensitive

    AP1 Password – password for your Wi-Fi AP

    Wi-Fi password has to be under 32 characters and without special characters (e.g. asterisks) or white spaces


    AP2 SSid – alternative Wi-Fi network SSID

    AP2 Password – password for your alternative Wi-Fi AP

    If you’re not using a second Wi-Fi network you can enter an SSID without a password you can connect to as a backup in case something went wrong with your Wi-Fi credentials.

    Double Triple check the Wi-Fi credentials and click on Save to apply the settings. Device will restart and connect to your home network.


    Look in your router for a newly connected device with the same name as the Wi-Fi access point. (In this example sonoff-7718.)

    If you don’t have access to your router you can find your newly flashed device with an IP scanner:

    Open the IP address with your web browser and you have full access to Tasmota.

    Now is the time to set up MQTT, the last remaining, but equally important step.

    Configure MQTT using WebUI

    Go to Configuration -> Configure Other and make sure “MQTT Enable” box is checked. Once MQTT is enabled you need to set it up using Configuration -> Configure MQTT.

    While here, you might as well change the Friendly Name into something more descriptive than generic “Sonoff”.
    Enable MQTT
    Tasmota configuration
    Configure MQTT
    MQTT details

    For a basic setup you only need to set Host and Port but it is recommended to change Topic to avoid issues. Each device should have a unique Topic.

    • Host = your HestiaPi address or IP
    • Port = set it to 1883
    • Client = device’s unique identifier, do not change if not sure what...
    Read more »

View all 2 project logs

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Johan Cronje wrote 06/24/2019 at 21:59 point

The v6.1 Gerber drill file appears to not have the data for NPTH. You may have omitted to check the "PTH and NPTH in single file" option when generating the drill file?

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gulliverrr wrote 06/25/2019 at 06:04 point

Check your inbox ;)

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Tom Nardi wrote 06/05/2019 at 06:24 point

I've never been that big on home automation, but when I see a project this good it makes me wonder if I'm not missing out...

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gulliverrr wrote 06/05/2019 at 06:42 point

I guess it is a personal thing. Some believe it makes their life easier. Some find it complicated. Some simply want to have control.

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