
In Which I Declare Victory, and Have Parting Thoughts

A project log for Laser Galvo Clock

Clock projected onto the wall with cheap laser galvos

alan-greenAlan Green 10/05/2019 at 05:463 Comments

Here are pictures of my old and new clock. The new one has larger, greener hands.

Two pictures, show both old and new clocks
Before and After

A close up of the clock face:

Laser path tracing out a clock on wall. You can see the screw that held the old clock up.
Close up of new clock face

I’m really pleased with the curvy style of the minute and hour hands. The data passed to the DACs traces a more polygonal shape, but the specified movements are so quick that inertia and the analog power circuitry conspire to bend the line segments smoothly into each other. 

The way the hands are each not quite joined on one side of the base is also unintentional. It's because the mirrors haven’t quite steered back to the bottom of the hand before the laser is turned off. But it looks artistic and I’ll keep it for now.

The clock image is difficult to capture on camera - it’s drawn at about 60Hz, which means cell phone cameras mostly just catch one or two of the three hands. For still pictures, I used my fancy Olympus OM-D EM-10II on a tripod and with a long exposure.  I've post processed the images to get the color closer to what the eye sees, but it's still not quite there. The single wavelength doesn't play nicely with the camera sensors. Sadly, no camera I own does a job of capturing video of the clock, so I don't have one to show.

Overall the project came out according to The Plan:

Laser clock's place in the kitchen
My kitchen, now with Laser Clock and tidied fridge magnets

The transparent casing shows more mess than I'd like, but it makes my smile to see all the individual components in there, working hard:

Close up of Laser Clock projector unit, on ceiling
Projector, on the ceiling

Since Last Post

It's been more than a month since my last post. In addition to the physical cutting of the parts, assembly, realization that I’d glued something together in mirror image, re-cutting those parts, reassembly, realization that I’d glued something else together in mirror image, re-cutting those part, reassembly, and fixing everything into the ceiling, I wrote a lot of Python on the Raspberry Pi.

The Pi has two daemon processes. The first, clock_gen produces XY coordinates that the frame driver will output to the DAC. It packages these into a byte array, in a format suitable for the frame driver and writes the byte array to a file.

The second daemon, clock_push, takes that file, sends its contents to the frame driver, and tells the frame driver to display it.

The code is just good enough to work reliably.

What I Could Do Better

When I look at my clock, I see plenty of potential projects:

What I Learned

What is Great

Thanks to everyone who has followed along on this project. The support and suggestions were most helpful!


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Alan Green wrote 10/09/2019 at 19:45 point

In normal operation, the clock takes its time from the Raspberry Pi system clock, which is set from the internet. When the clock is first turned on, the time is wrong for about 15 seconds until the RPi fetches the current time.

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Alan Green wrote 10/07/2019 at 01:47 point


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Alan Green wrote 10/07/2019 at 01:47 point

I think it would be able to draw digits. I'll need to experiment with whether they can be drawn quickly enough to avoid flicker - this is a future project :)

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