
Cheap, Hackable bipedal robot

This project is from years of thinking and planning but only now have I actually wanted to build this bipedal robot, it walks and turns.

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A cheap human-sized bipedal robot that can walk, turn and stabilize itself with 10 stepper motors an Arduino Due with an MPU 6050. This has been my dream and I would like to put it as an open source platform any of you can tweak. Just make sure to share the code.

A cheap human-sized bipedal robot that can walk, turn and stabilize itself with 10 stepper motors an Arduino Due with an MPU 6050. This has been my dream and I would like to put it as an open source platform any of you can tweak. Just make sure to share the code.

Also you can ask questions freely i want suggestions.


Arduino Due File for humanoid movement

ino - 3.11 kB - 07/08/2019 at 07:59


  • 8 × Nema 17 pancake motor
  • 1 × Computer and internet connection
  • 1 × Arduino Due
  • 1 × MPU 6050
  • 1 × 5 volt Lithium Ion rechargeable battery

View all 9 components

  • Redesigning

    JoeCat120707/14/2019 at 13:44 0 comments

    I was looking at the files for the russian AR-600 and i noticed i can implement the motor upward from the joint to make it more light and versatile. currently in the process of soldering all components.

  • Testing The Motor + arrival of aluminium 4040

    JoeCat120707/08/2019 at 08:05 0 comments

    Today, I tested the motors and the code a bit, the aluminum 4040 has arrived and its pretty heavy to put on a robot.

  • More designing

    JoeCat120707/01/2019 at 03:14 0 comments

    About a month has passed since I started this project personally. I have went through 3 design iterations but having seen the modular and universal design of the Slate Robotics TR2 I hope to redesign it and make it easy to build and assembly with easy to find and repeatable parts.


    Damn it, lost the v4 design gotta do it again

View all 3 project logs

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Alan Green wrote 07/01/2019 at 21:33 point

Arduino Due! Definitely following, just for that :)

Are you planning to program with the Arduino framework or with Atmel Studio?

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JoeCat1207 wrote 07/02/2019 at 02:18 point

Arduino Framework, I will post the files for the code once it's done, but the design files I will send later today.

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