Given the pain with dealing with the superglued sensors and power distribution problems, I'm scrapping this project. I'll build something else on a similar chassis and repurpose the controllers.
Lessons learned:
Supergluing sensors worked well - while they worked. When things went wrong, it made it extremely difficult to fix.
Power distribution is the main problem: splitting power to Vmax, 3V3, and 5V.
So it looks like these are *really* sensitive to voltage: anything over 5V causes them to die.
Scooter has a 6V power supply, which is the likely culprit for this.
It's a problem I've had with other things, so I've started designing a power distribution board based on LM-series voltage regulators; I want to be able to support much voltages than 6V, for example 6-AA packs (9V).
So, I dug up two more HC-SR04’s and tried them on the robot... they started working, and then died. I’m guessing it’s kickback or something from the motors. I’ll maybe need to build a distribution board to take care of this or set up a separate rail.
Also need to buy more sensors... good thing they’re cheap.
Well, it looks like I’ve got a pair of bad sensors. I verified it against a test sketch, and so that’s that. It’ll be a bit of pain to replace them because they’re superglued on, but I’ll figure something out.
I have another project that's a more heavyweight robot, so I decided to build a lightweight one to experiment with some things.
I took a cheap 2WD chassis I found online, superglued some HC-SR04's I had lying around onto it, and somehow got a controller and motor controller hooked up. I wanted to use some of my Adafruit feathers, but my boards seem to be misbehaving so I just grabbed the Turbo I had lying around to use.
All of my boards have this weird thing where they only take power via USB or a LiPo battery pack JST connector, so I guess now my robot has two sets of batteries: one connected to the controller, the other supplying 5V to everything else.