Robot building lessons learned
07/27/2019 at 01:06 • 0 comments- Mount motors with the heads facing the wheel to keep the wheels from rubbing against the protruding bottoms.
- Verify voltages (ex. the HC-SR04 plague).
- Superglue is neat but superglue mounts, not sensors - unless you're sure about voltages. Replacing superglued parts is hard.
Thank you for liking and following my #6802 Serial Terminal ! It is a simple 8x6=48 key scan, but I devised the firmware so that the function keys work. I built it so robustly that it is still very practical four years later. The video of operating my own floating-point interpreter with this terminal is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImJoRcZ9xC8&t=54s