Automatic tuning program as of Oct 2019. Working.
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06/15/2020 at 19:19
ESP32 and RF circuits - small.jpg
ESP32 mounted on prototyping board with SparkFun Motor Controller. Blue circuit board of the Adafruit clock generator board. It's output connects to my 5-pole low pass filter (about 19 MHz). The output of the filter drives the coupling loop (link). The vertical SMT prototype board has a AD8307AN log amplifier to measure the sampled RF.
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09/10/2019 at 15:57
Motorized capacitor and coil - small.jpg
The loop antenna main loop is modeled with a copper coil wound on a custom 3D printed form. The exciter loop is modeled with a 50 ohm link coupling (green wire). A toroid transformer is used to sample signals from the tuned circuit.
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09/10/2019 at 15:48
Tuning box fixed and variable capacitors 3.jpg
Close up of tuning and fixed capacitors. High current doorknob (RF) caps are 25pf and 50pf NPO. Variable cap is 2 section, 100 pf per section.
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08/08/2019 at 16:28
Tuning box fixed and variable capacitors 2.jpg
Overview of tuning box. Variable cap has insulated shaft coupling and vernier reduction drive. Other end goes to radio knob to act as a pointer.
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08/08/2019 at 16:28
3-D printed clamp design.jpg
An 11 foot telescoping lighting pole is the support. 3-D printed clamps mount each component to the pole. Different clamps fit different sections of the pole.
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07/26/2019 at 16:53
Choice of range capcitors.pdf
This design uses a high voltage air variable capacitor. Fixed RF doorknob capacitors set the range over which the variable capacitor is used to tune. This graphic shows each potential tuning range.
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07/26/2019 at 16:42
Loop size and capacitances.xlsx
Spreadsheet and graphs of the different capacitances that would be needed depending upon the loop size.
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07/26/2019 at 16:41