
Motorised Program Counter

A project log for today's assorted project ramble "grab-bag"

Assorted project-ideas/brainstorms/achievements, etc. Likely to contain thoughts that'd be better-organized into other project-pages

eric-hertzEric Hertz 07/16/2024 at 02:071 Comment

Leaving this here mostly for myself...

(Whoops! writing this up, I realize I fell for the classic blunder! But I won't share that bit, here...)

Instead, I'll just say that couldn't this circuit be tremendously smaller if they ran <&= or >&=  instead of <&>?

(I mistakenly thought I could reduce that and he rest of my circuit to *only* use =... by assuming that 90% of the time != means >, but then how would I account for the 10% where != means <? Duh. Still, <,=,neither is still fewer gates than this, so I guess that's an improvement)


Eric Hertz wrote 07/16/2024 at 18:03 point

LOL, I could, of course, make it a loop, then always count up past overflow!

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