Putting the teats in the dishwasher was not possible because they would fly around. At v3, the result now satisfies all requirements and has been thoroughly user-tested. See log entries for how this came to be...
Switched from 10-teat rectangular to 5-teat hex format
Redesigned hinges with a rectangular moving part to restrict motion
Designed the movement in python, by plotting the union of the rectamgles on the path
Goal: upper part can only enter from an angle it cannot be in when the lower part is installed (locked in)
Goal: goes a little over 90 degrees
After some attempts, had the following path as a union of a straight movement and a rotation around a point below the rectangle in the horizontal position
Trying to make out of 2.4mm stainless TIG welding filler rod. With bending was able to hold some teats but the results were not spectacular and the construction was not up to scratch. Also tried welding but the wire was a bit too difficult a target for my current welding skills
where are the files?