Panda Cat Painting
09/07/2019 at 20:07 • 0 commentsPainting of the family cat "Panda". Acrylic on paper. One brush. Four feature layers. 3.5 hour paint time. The reason for Panda's alert stance in the base image is unclear. Perhaps someone had just opened a can of cat food.
Kansas City Hair Curlers
09/07/2019 at 20:02 • 0 commentsPainting of the Kansas City Convention Center "Sky Stations." Acrylic on paper. Two brushes. Three feature layers. 3.5 hour paint time. The first acrylic painting.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Watercolor
09/07/2019 at 19:53 • 0 commentsTribute to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Kansas City. Watercolor on paper. Two brushes. Three features layer. Two hour painting time.
09/07/2019 at 19:46 • 0 commentsTempera on paper. One brush. One feature layer. 5 minute paint time. The first painting.
Blue Eye Watercolor
09/07/2019 at 19:36 • 0 commentsWatercolor on paper. One brush. Eight feature layers - 2 water paint, 2 watercolor paint, 4 watercolor blend. 30 minute paint time. Each feature layer used a different combination of the brush symmetry, brush angle offset, and max paint distance parameters. The tool paths for this painting were drawn manually in a vector image manipulation program. This painting is a prime example of the brush techniques possible when using a fourth axis tool chuck.