Survived the night
11/02/2019 at 20:59 • 0 commentsThe battery lasted through the night, and it's still alive and transmitting.
There were some humidity readings that seemed high this moring; I went to check for moisture in the enclosure but didn't see any.
My readings were higher than the weather.gov readings for my area, but I'm near a boundary of the area, so I'm not sure how that affects things. I'd like to start keeping a notebook of outdoor electronics projects to learn how to build more durable, sustainable systems.
11/02/2019 at 01:09 • 0 commentsI'm calling this completed for now; I have to let it run, and I will likely come up with (or people might give me) improvements, but it appears to be working for now.
Are you receiving?
11/02/2019 at 00:41 • 0 commentsTransmission received.
The sun's going down, so we'll also find out how well the battery lasts overnight.
And I just received the second measurement, so things are looking good so far...
Are you receiving?
11/02/2019 at 00:37 • 0 commentsTransmission received.
The sun's going down, so we'll also find out how well the battery lasts overnight.
Collector running
10/30/2019 at 19:50 • 0 commentsStill having uplink issues, but I've got a collector now to stash any uplinks that make it out. The goal is to move this to a raspi but for the sake of having it running now, this works.
Transmission errors
10/29/2019 at 23:37 • 0 commentsI'm running into constant issues with the node getting stuck trying to join the network.
I'm trying to debug this, but I wonder if it isn't because the USB port is only getting 3.7V, not 5V - I don't think it *should* matter, but it just might.
Basic sensors working
10/29/2019 at 22:52 • 0 commentsGot it sending to TTN.
~/tmp/scratch (0) <hephaestus:kyle> $ ./tr.py E3070A1D0B1E040FAB080000AF479D411C85F34000AAF441C27BC6473F0200001A000000FD0001 (2019, 10, 29, 11, 30, 4, 15, 2219, 19.660001754760742, 7.60999870300293, 30.5830078125, 101623.515625, 575, 26, 253, 0, 1) year: 2019 month: 10 day: 29 hour: 11 minute: 30 second: 04 hardware: 15 uptime: 2219 seconds temperature: 19.660001754760742 °C calibration temperature: 7.60999870300293 °C humidity: 30.5830078125% baro pressure: 101623.515625 Pa CO2 levels: 575 ppm TVOC levels: 26 ppb voltage: 253 [junk value] CCS811 status: 0 (no error) Calibrated? 1 (temperature calibrations are in effect)