New design

diy 3 coordinate touch probe for CNC machine.
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New design
probe assemble v3.jpgJPEG Image - 63.98 kB - 12/25/2019 at 07:42 |
shell-b.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 2.02 MB - 12/13/2019 at 06:01 |
shell-a.stlStandard Tesselated Geometry - 341.20 kB - 12/13/2019 at 06:00 |
touch probe.pngpcb schPortable Network Graphics (PNG) - 18.36 kB - 11/09/2019 at 15:30 |
Needle mount.
Ready to assemble :)
Test and calibration.
1. Add buzzer.
2. More compatibility on wide voltage. (5 - 24v)
3. Double LED.
Vcc = 5 - 24v
Sense = Probe IO
1. Aluminium body.
2.Remove leveling function.
3.Add dustproof function.
looks great.
cnc machining probe parts.
Waiting for test.
Add led indicator to touch probe.
The green led is always on, it goes out after hitting the obstacle, and the red led lights up.
Well, It's work.
This beta version uses 3d printed parts.
control hardware: grbl 1.1
software: grblgru
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Great and nice project ! Could you please share your 3D files (STEP, F360...), schematic and board please ? I really would like to build one....
Can you share the circuit diagram of V3 ? And list of parts if you are kind ..
Great project! Can you post 3D step files for the rev 3 ring holder and actuator components as well?
Someone did a teardown of one of these not too long ago. I think it was AvE tearing down a Renishaw probe that had suffered a cruel fate in his Haas. Really interesting stuff.
Can't wait for build details on this one.
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Can you share the lastest files? :D