Pin Assignment:
(AVR) UNO - Function MSX Remark
(PD4) D4 - UP-1 Port 1/Pin 1 Thumbstick
(PD5) D5 - DOWN-1 Port 1/Pin 2
(PD6) D6 - LEFT-1 Port 1/Pin 3
(PD7) D7 - RIGHT-1 Port 1/Pin 4
(PC0) A0 - TRGA-1 Port 1/Pin 6 Button Z
(PC1) A1 - TRGB-1 Port 1/Pin 7 Button C
(PB0) D8 - UP-2 Port 2/Pin 1 Accelerometers
(PB1) D9 - DOWN-2 Port 2/Pin 2
(PB2) D10 - LEFT-2 Port 2/Pin 3
(PB3) D11 - RIGHT-2 Port 2/Pin 4
(AVR) UNO - Function Nunchuck Remark
(PC2) A2 - nGND GND Optional
(PC3) A# - nVCC VCC Optional
(PC4) A4 - SDA SDA
(PC5) A5 - SCL SCL
Nunchuck can be powered by the AVR on the boards that do not include a 3V3 regulator.