
Around the Park in 30 Minutes

A project log for DRVR

An autonomous robot based on the RVR platform

daryllDaryll 12/21/2019 at 19:510 Comments

Performance of the robot in driving only mode is about 3x better. The robot can drive itself around the park in about 30 minutes instead of 90. The vast majority of the time is now spent while RVR is executing motion commands. More details below.

I made a several important changes to improve performance:

A few caveats:

It's 185 steps to go around the park, but that's not counting the left and right turns. My guess is that it's closer to 300 commands, which means it's taking an average of 6 seconds per operation. It's clear when the operations are flowing smoothly that we can do a move and a predict in less than 3 seconds.

It seems that if we can improve this buffering/control issue it should be possible to double the performance. I think that's the next thing to look in to.


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