
Arduino Coin Dispenser

Arduino coin dispenser with 2 servos and a membrane keypad for input

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This project is almost completed. The only things left are to build the enclosure which should be done soon. With just an Arduino two servos and a keypad you may never have to count change again.

This project is still a work in progress as i have yet to design the enclosure. Everything else with the project however is complete so feel free to use the code and schematic to make your own or change them to build something else. If you use anything from here just link me in the project so I can check it out. This project can be completed in a few hours if you have worked with the keypad and servo libraries but if you have not it is a wonderful opportunity to really get to know them as you will have to play with them a good bit.


This is the full report. If you fee something is missing on the project page please look here as it most likely is here.

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  • 1
    Step 1

    As we always do, we will start this project off by ordering all our components so that we will need. While waiting on these to arrive we have a perfect amount of time to search for libraries we can add to the standard Arduino libraries to make coding this project achievable in a short period of time. The libraries chosen for this project are Keypad, and Servo. 

  • 2
    Step 2

    As the components arrive, we can begin to figure out how to power each and what pins need to be connected the Arduino and which need to be connected to the power and ground bus. While doing this we can begin to define which pins on the Arduino will be used for each component. 

    One pin on the other side for D13 as well: 

  • 3
    Step 3 (Not required to build but a requirement to learn)

    This step may seem simple, but many people skip it and end up with code that needs hours and hours of debugging because they were just too lazy to download a sample code. It is not fun to write the “perfect code” for an hour and run it only to figure out you have no idea what most of the code you just wrote means, let alone know how to debug it. To avoid this just play around with sample code for each library maybe even write some small code to make sure you really get it, then you can begin to put the code together. In this project the best uses of your time would be to make sure that if you tell a servo to do turn and then return without having to copy paste code. If it will do what you expect and when reading a keypad, it can always read and display the correct value then you should be good to continue. 

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