
Sword for Chivalry II

This semester, we crafted a wooden sword for Chivalry II, delivering an immersive and highly realistic gaming experience!

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If you play video games, one of the things you can think about is immersion. In fact, there are some video games where the immersion is incredible, like Red Dead Redemption II or Hogwarts Legacy, but some video games like Chivalry II don't really have this immersiveness.

We decided, me (Imanol), Cyprien and Anton to create a real wooden sword to play on the game Chivalry II.

This sword is very special to us because everyone in our group loves video games and has a passion for history. We wanted to share these passions with everyone in the class. We also wanted to bring an ecological perspective to this project, reflecting not only the values of the ESME school but also our own personal values.

Using this sword transforms how you interact with the game, making battles feel more tactile and realistic, so, this sword will help to have much more immersion on Chivalry II and is a very fun tool for a video game !

Several weeks after starting the project, we constructed a small sword out of cardboard. This was a great step because it allowed us to experiment without having to build the real sword right away. It also helped us test all the movements that the captor could detect.

As you can understand, all of the codes have been made on arduino, we basicly used arduino to code all of the movements captors but also the bluetooth code. 

As you can see in this image, this is the prototype we used to develop our project before moving on to the final sword. While it was a helpful first version, there were some issues:

  • Connecting the Arduino board was quite difficult because the structure wasn’t very stable.
  • Since it was made of cardboard, the structure was very fragile and could break easily at any moment.
  • Cardboard may bend or lose its original shape, which can affect the accuracy of the calculations made by the Arduino board.
  • It don't look like a real sword !!! 

So we decided on the to construct the real sword ( you can see the shape on the files ) And look at this beauty : 

We finaly got a real good sword that would work for the project and one week after this, the final project was done ( If you want to know how we made the project week by week, check the logs :) ) 


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View all 15 files

  • 1 × Harduino Card (Elego)
  • 1 × Wood Plank
  • 1 × Accelerometers ( ITG/UTC)
  • 1 × Cardboard
  • 1 × Bluetooth (TTGO) (Optional)

View all 9 components

  • 10/12 logs

    imanolink12/15/2024 at 17:05 0 comments

    During this final session, we completed the code to retrieve a more advanced and detailed motion database. This allowed the movements to be more precise when performed in real life and accurately transmitted into the game.

    By the end of this session, everything was finished, which is why we also finalized the Hackaday page for our project!

  • 03/12 logs

    imanolink12/15/2024 at 17:03 0 comments

    During this session, after completing the actual sword model, all that remained was to simplify our Arduino setup.

    Although the code worked perfectly, it was clearly better to use a smaller Bluetooth board to make the sword more aesthetically pleasing and to ensure it was safer for others. We also aimed to implement a Bluetooth system.

  • 26/11 logs

    imanolink12/15/2024 at 16:36 0 comments

    After finalizing the code during this session, we decided to create a simple cardboard sword model to test if our code worked. It took us about half an hour to build this model (the main challenge was finding cardboard in the room after everyone else had already used it).

    Once we tested the code on the cardboard sword, we decided to create the actual wooden sword. However, after designing the model in Autodesk Fusion, we couldn't build the real sword that same day because the lab was too crowded. Instead, we completed it the following week, as there was no rush.

  • 19/11 logs

    imanolink12/15/2024 at 16:16 0 comments

    During this session, we decided to work on the code for the sword, but it turned out to be more challenging than expected. After an hour of programming, our code simply refused to work.

    The motion sensor was only detecting movement one out of every two attempts, and sometimes even just one out of three.

    Fortunately, this issue was short-lived, as after consulting Vladimir, all our problems were resolved! 

  • 05/11 logs

    imanolink12/15/2024 at 16:11 0 comments

    Initially, our project was to create a complete tank. During the previous session, we considered this possibility but realized that it would be very challenging.

    Indeed, combining actions such as firing, moving, and rotating the turret in a complex manner seemed extremely difficult, especially since we wanted our final project to be complete and polished.

    This is why we decided to shift our focus to the sword project. From the very first session, we brainstormed how to approach it:

    We planned to use a motion sensor attached to a sword, allowing real-life movements to be directly replicated and transmitted into the game.

View all 5 project logs

  • 1
    Use autodesk Fusion

    To make the sketch of your sword, you should be able to have acces to an application like Autodesk Fusion 360 or something like that to make the sketch.

  • 2
    Make the sketch

    You can use the same sword than us or make your proper one but you should be able to use one that could be as the same size than the board of the laser.

  • 3
    Cut with laser

    It is the most satisfying part of the project because you see your work done in real life !!!

View all 4 instructions

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imanolink wrote 12/03/2024 at 11:33 point

Hope you'll have fun by using our project ! 

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