
Revision 2!

A project log for u-blox NEO-M9N GPS Featherwing

Using some of the newest GPS tech from u-blox, you can add global positioning to any Adafruit Feather!

sirmylesaverysirmylesavery 01/06/2020 at 22:567 Comments

Revision 2 has been designed! After some very helpful feedback from Michael, who is an expert in u-blox implementation, and has been made a co-contributor to this project!

Modifications made to this Revision include:

Design Files have been uploaded to the project page.

Included below are some images of the design for Rev 2


Miguel Wisintainer wrote 01/15/2020 at 17:34 point

I am so sorry, its, i wrote in english :)

Please, send again! Sorry!

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Miguel Wisintainer wrote 01/15/2020 at 13:37 point

Avery W, sorry about the "e-mail" message, that was automaticly :), i am a support :)

Well, i contacted the local u-blox representative and talk about your M9N Hackaday project. I talked them that project is awesome pcb but still need more revision. The local u-blox representaive has  contact directly to u-blox and they could do a THIRD revision for you! What do you think ? I will need the schematics and gerbers.

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sirmylesavery wrote 01/15/2020 at 14:17 point

That's pretty cool! I would be happy to let them do a third revision for me, if they so wish. Do keep in mind that I am not interested in investing money into this project at this time. I am a college student with very limited disposable income.

You can find the KiCad design files and gerbers are on the main project page here on Hackaday. If those don't work, just let me know and I can send them to you directly.

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Miguel Wisintainer wrote 01/15/2020 at 14:25 point

Nice! No cost! Just to help to help the students, hobbiest, professionals to have pcb to make tests! That will help me too my blog about. Please, send me the gerbers and the schematic, ok ? Directly to that e-mail

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sirmylesavery wrote 01/15/2020 at 14:48 point

I sent the file, but the email provided below is not valid, according to my email to account. Can you verify that you gave me the right email or can you give me an alternative email?

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Miguel Wisintainer wrote 01/15/2020 at 11:55 point

Avery W

We can think in the THIRD revision. Can you send a e-mail to to me to explain to you ?


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sirmylesavery wrote 01/15/2020 at 12:17 point

I’m sorry, I don’t quite understand what you’re saying. You would like me to send an email  to  you so that you can explain something about a third revision? If you could elaborate a bit more on what you mean, that would be great. You can also message me directly here on Hackaday

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