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Raspberry Pi V3
The brain of the system
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Raspberry Pi Camera Module
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Towerpro SG90 Servo Motor
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PCA9685 Servo Motor Driver 16 Channel I2C
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OLED Display 0.96" 128x64 I2C
Battery level indicator
1 |
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HC-SR04 Sensor
Ultrasonic Sensor
1 |
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MQ2 Sensor
Flammable Gas and Smoke Sensor Module
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DHT-11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor Module
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MPU-6050 Six-Axis (Gyro + Accelerometer)
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PIR Sensor
To detect presence of people
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CYS0150 Servo Motor
15Kg Torque (for the legs)
12 |
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Towerpro MG946R Servo Motor
15Kg Torque (for the legs)
1 |
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N20 Micro Geared DC Motor
For the spring shooting mechanism
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Arduino Mega
Tu read the sensors