Just finished the changes to the PCB design base on what I discovered with the first version.
- I've change the ESD chips for a little bit bigger ones with a pin pitch of 0.5 mm instead of 0.4 mm. Not a big change but should be less likely to short. The cut-off frequency of the low pass filter is 100 MHz rather than 200. The ESP32 SD card goes at 40MHz so that should be ok.
- I fixed the LDOs footprint.
- D3 now use a SOD-523 package.
- I fixed the TX/RX UART inversion.
- Added pin label on silkscreen for headers.
- Added label for switches on silkscreen.
- Added copyright, license and website info under the board.
While doing the update, I also updated the hardware license to CERN-OHL-P (Apache 2.0 didn't make sense for HW).
I ordered a new batch of proto from PCBWay.
I will now complete the work on the passthrough and level shifter cable boards.
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