Ennomotive has launched non-profit online competition for the ideation of low-cost, easy-to-build solutions. The goal is to speed up the availability of ventilators in hospitals everywhere to help patients with coronavirus.
Ennomotive has joined other international initiatives for the development of easy-to-build ventilators and makes its global community of 20,000 engineers available to face the challenge.
Based on its experience, www.ennomotive.com has chosen to focus on solutions that can adapt or reuse widely used standard industrial components or that use other easy-to-access and universal everyday-life elements.
This online challenge is open worldwide to any engineering professional, company, tech center, maker or scholar from different industries and technical backgrounds that want to propose a solution for this challenge.
Press Release_ ICU Ventilators to fight the COVID-19.pdf
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03/20/2020 at 10:06
I am really sorry, we needed to act fast. Today we will launch Round 2 of this challenge. You can submit improvements to the selected solutions and contribute to develop better ventilators.
There really wasn't enough time to respond to this challenge, kind of too bad...